Muslim Has Baby Kick the Severed Head of Syrian Soldier – IOTW Report

Muslim Has Baby Kick the Severed Head of Syrian Soldier

Milk Sheikh Image 1.jpg

Religion of peace!!


10 Comments on Muslim Has Baby Kick the Severed Head of Syrian Soldier

  1. Obola, the Ebolacrats, and the Rinos think these people deserve democracy. I think we found where to dispose of our old nukes when we upgrade our arsenal. Such evil demands an Old Testament level response.

  2. Yes Hambone, no excuse for abortionists and those who support it, but that still does not diminish what these islamisrt barbarians are doing. The crusades were fought to end just this kind of evil and if need be, we better be ready to do it again even if oblowhard thinks that islam has been a great influence in America.Look up what Black Jack Pershing did to the muslims in the Phillipine Islands and maybe we should follow the example.

  3. I certainly didn’t mean to minimize the evil that is Islam, but we need to deal with the evil that is already among us, too. I fully expect that I will personally have to face down a radical Islamist during my lifetime and I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevail against them. We’d all better be getting ourselves ready to face what’s coming because our current government isn’t doing the right thing. In fact, they are making what’s coming inevitable. It is our duty to our children and grandchildren to fight them.

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