Muslim issues death threat on Pamela Geller’s Facebook page – IOTW Report

Muslim issues death threat on Pamela Geller’s Facebook page


While Facebook censors posts and comments about the Muslim invasion of Europe in accordance with Sharia law, Muslims issue death threats with impunity. This one is on my Facebook page.

Criticizing islam and drawing a cartoon of prophet muhammad is n’t a free speech. If there is a freedom of speech to insult islam, then there is a freedom of killing those who insulted islam.


18 Comments on Muslim issues death threat on Pamela Geller’s Facebook page

  1. Next weekend in my small town community center there is going to be a professor from the University of Washington coming to speak in an open forum to address the misconceptions of Islam. I have a few questions in mind for this guy but I’m sure there are good ones I haven’t thought of. If anyone has a suggestion for a good question I’d be happy to see it.

  2. Ahhh, the Freedom of Killing-a time honored tradition for moslims.

    It’s their response to everything-I kill you

    Cartoons-I kill you
    Apostasy-I kill you
    Overt homo sex-I kill you
    Sassy wife-I kill you
    Sassy daughter-I kill you
    Jewish?-I kill you
    Christian-I kill you

    It’s like the dog ate my homework for Islam!

    I know, lets import 100s go 1,000s of them every year and seed the in small conservative towns across America. There’ll be so many fires, it’ll be impossible to put them out.

  3. Joe6,

    “Will you, here and now, denounce jihadists who call for a caliphate to rule all non-Muslims?”

    If he dissembles or dodges, so be it.

    If he says yes, ask him why you should believe him given the doctrine of taqiyya.

  4. Agree with Joan.

    I don’t use social media either….Facebook, instagram, tweeter or whatever the fuck it’s called. It’s a bunch of stupid sheep trying to communicate with each other, and competing for attention.

    I got a landline phone, a CB radio in my shed, and a flip phone for emergencies.

  5. Joe6pak, Bill Federer has a great book, available in paperback, “What Every American Needs to Know About the Quran.” Get it, read it, use post it notes to bookmark the most interesting pages, and take it to the meeting. You’ll dominate.

    Page 13 of the introduction lists six verses that indicate how infidels are defined (I.e., YOU) and that war should be made upon them, and that “When you meet the infidel in the battlefield, strike off their heads.” (sura 47:4)

  6. May Mark Zuckerberg rot in hell for his contributions to the islam infestation and the advent of global marxism. May he and his progeny suffer for it. He is truly evil.

    PS – no facebook in my house – ever.

  7. D_B_F,
    CB is good for short distances and talking to Bubba Truck Driver just down the road. But for REAL talk power, study up and upgrade to ham radio. Higher power levels, more frequencies, longer distances, more modulation modes (AM, FM, SSB, digital, TV, etc, etc).

  8. joe6pak-
    Try this: “Could you please look down the barrel of this pistol and tell me what caliber it is?”

    Pamela- On you the halo effect looks good. On Obutthole, not so much.

  9. Anything happens to Pamela Geller and I will be joining the retaliation squads that will spring up like wildflowers.
    As Jihadi tactics defy the Geneva Convention which the US is a signatory; do you support the summary field execution of foreign soldiers without uniform caught conducting war crimes against Citizens inside the United States?

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