Muslim Leader Praises Trump Plan – IOTW Report

Muslim Leader Praises Trump Plan

Hannity: Donald Trump continues to receive criticism from both sides of the political aisle for his plan to temporarily suspend Muslims from entering the United States. However, Trump is now receiving support from an unusual source: members of the Islamic community.

Imam Nidal Alsayyed of The Islamic Center of Triplex in Texas says he supports Trump’s plan.

“It’s clearly kind of an overreaction by many American Muslims to Mr. Trump’s statement,” Nidal said on Hannity. “The truth is that he definitely has concerns about some security, some safety, some peace that is happening due to Muslims or Islam being associated with many of these radical terror groups and people that are popping up in the country or different countries from time to time.”

“I would assume any kind of safety, security measure to basically hold on, make us understand what is really going on, I would really consider it a very wise move,” the Imam added.

Imam Alsayyed went on to say that foreign born Muslims coming to the United States, and the west more broadly, have to understand that the laws for conduct are different than they are in their countries of origin.  read more/video

10 Comments on Muslim Leader Praises Trump Plan

  1. I saw my high school sweetheart at lunch … I married her … we’re still married … can’t say that I know what her ears look like, though. Prolly be different if she was a goat …

  2. I grew up in a home just a few minutes walk from the mosque where this guy was the Imam. Naturally, the neighborhood went to hell over the years and it’s nothing like the place it was. A kid could not have wished for a better place to grow up. The mosque serves college students from the nearby university and a smattering of Muslims in the surrounding area. A new and bigger facility is being built next door. They keep a pretty low profile, as they should, considering it’s in an area where people will take only so much.

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