Muslim ‘migrants’ found guilty of raiding German ship now in Germany on welfare, can’t be deported – IOTW Report

Muslim ‘migrants’ found guilty of raiding German ship now in Germany on welfare, can’t be deported

What could possibly go wrong? Any other course of action would be “Islamophobic.”

Jihad Watch:

“Convicted Somali Pirates Found Living in Germany On Benefits Unable To Be Deported,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, August 8, 2018:

A new investigation has revealed that of ten Somali pirates who were found guilty of raiding a German ship, five ended up becoming “tolerated” asylum seekers living off German state handouts.

In 2012 the ten Somali pirates were found guilty of hijacking the German container ship Taipan back in 2010 and were sentenced to various sentences in a process that cost the German state more than a million euros, Die Welt reports.

Following the trial, not much was said or known about the fate of the Somali pirates until spring of this year when the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD) made an inquiry in Hamburg to find out what had happened to them as both the underage and adult pirates had served their prison sentences.

According to the Hamburg senate, four of the men returned to Somalia, one travelled to Sweden while the remaining five applied for asylum in Germany.

While all five had their asylum claims rejected, none face deportation due to not having passports, a refusal from Somalia to issue passports, and no direct flights to the country.  read more

6 Comments on Muslim ‘migrants’ found guilty of raiding German ship now in Germany on welfare, can’t be deported

  1. “…none face deportation due to not having passports, a refusal from Somalia to issue passports…”

    How blessed are we to have a President who loves our country enough to fight activist judges all the way to SCOTUS in order to protect and preserve her?

  2. In their guilt and regrets from World War II, the Germans are now incapable of recognizing the real and present danger of having this 5th column of terrorists and barbarians in their midst.
    Not homegrown barbarians, but imported and unable to be deported… does that really make any difference ?

    Germany and all of Europe need to develop a backbone — The USA, in making them pay for their fair share of NATO and their own defenses, are forcing them to wake up ! (tough love)


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