Britain: Muslim Parents Withdraw Children from ‘Non-Halal’ Flu Vaccine – IOTW Report

Britain: Muslim Parents Withdraw Children from ‘Non-Halal’ Flu Vaccine

Breitbart Europe:

British public health officials are concerned by the number of Muslim parents who could refuse to let their children receive the flu vaccine after the Muslim Council of Britain ruled the drug to be ‘non-halal’ and forbidden by Islam.

From August, all children aged between two and ten will be offered the nasal spray vaccine to combat outbreaks of the virus, with the drug Fluenz being credited with having helped significantly reduce cases of the flu. Last year, winter deaths from the virus hit a 42-year high.

However, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the largest umbrella group of mosques and Muslim associations in the UK, had ruled Fluenz forbidden as it is made with gelatine derived from pigs, an animal considered unclean in Islam. A spokesman for the MCB told The Telegraph that it was advising imams to tell parents that the vaccine is “not acceptable in Islam”.

Chairman of the MCB’s research committee, Dr Shuja Shafi, added: “We have consulted the scholars and this is their view. Since then we have been giving people the information so that they can make their judgement.

“We need another vaccine which is halal and can be offered to all. We urge the government and the industry to make this happen.”

The government says that the gelatine is purified to the point that no pig DNA remains. more

10 Comments on Britain: Muslim Parents Withdraw Children from ‘Non-Halal’ Flu Vaccine

  1. They’ve made it pretty clear that they don’t mind if their children die painful and horrible deaths. And they want ours to die that way. No surprise here.

  2. Here is how much I C.A.I.R:

    I’ve just finished 2 grilled pork chops with seared brussel sprouts in bacon & maple syrup with smoked potatoes on the side.
    I’m sipping a great American bourbon and sharpening my Zero Tolerance U.S.A Knife.
    That’s how much I give a fuck.

    The real issue however is that they want the vaccine to be “HELL ALL” so that they can get the revenue stream for the FUCKING IMAMS!

    We are the assholes IF WE CAVE!

    As the sack of shit from Minnesota said, “its all about the Benjamins”.

  3. All vaccines have been formulated to be destructive to the human body. In this policy, they are protecting their children. Finding facts is a result of inquiring minds looking for suppressed information.

    Flu Vaccines, Pharma Fraud, CDC, WHO
    Jul 2, 2010
    Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO — all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null
    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

    As you’ll read below, flu vaccines remain a mainstay modern medicine only because they provide a reliable source of profits for the pharmaceutical industry which now virtually dictates public health policy thanks to its powerful lobbying resources. And the CDC, for its part, has now become little more than the regulatory branch of Big Pharma, pushing vaccines on the entire population even though the scientific evidence reveals quite clearly that flu vaccines simply do not work. (Vitamin D actually works far better at preventing flu infections, but the CDC won’t recommend vitamin D to anyone.)

    What you’re about to read below is absolutely shocking. If you’re a reader of NaturalNews, you probably already realized the vaccine industry was a sham, but I bet you didn’t know just how deep this rabbit hole really goes… until now.

    That’s why I’m reprinting the entire article by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null below. Here’s a link to the original source:

  4. There’s a lot more important stuff to vaccinate yer kid from than the flu.
    Most people I know stay away from the flu vaccine, but have been vaccinated for the serious stuff like Polio, Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella!

  5. @TRF, you are not wrong, but children and adults with asthma are at higher risk, so need to be careful about avoiding the flu vaccine. I went two years in a row without getting it, but I also had the asthma under pretty good control. Not everybody does, or does at all times. Also, it simply depends on what strain the vaccine has. If a new strain moves into communities, the vaccine won’t do anything.

    Also, it is a fact that Muslims could eat pork if it was the only thing available and they were in dire circumstances, but too many Muslims don’t know this, so caught up in the “I can’t so much as *look* at a pig” hysteria. For these morons, even handling pork, say, while working in a deli, is strictly prohibited when that actually is not true. They just aren’t supposed to eat it. But it’s so much easier to play a card than actually look into anything.


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