Muslim student calls out Dems for racial ‘pandering,’ lack of substance – IOTW Report

Muslim student calls out Dems for racial ‘pandering,’ lack of substance

CampusReform: A Muslim student at the University of Michigan says that while liberals reduce him to his minority identity, conservatives invite him into their “worldview.”

Omar Mahmood, the Editor of The Michigan Review, penned an op-ed last week titled “Smug Liberalism and the Ryan Selfie” in which he confesses his conservative leanings, despite being Muslim, and recounts the backlash he has faced from other Muslims who have labeled him an “Uncle Tom”.

Mahmood explains that while both liberals and conservatives approach him as a brown Muslim, the liberals tend to reduce him to that identity and pander to him, while conservatives don’t.

“The conservatives don’t try to pander to me, they want to invite me into their way of thinking instead of pandering and that’s the difference I find,” Mahmood toldCampus Reform. “Democrats try to play identity politics in a way Republicans don’t.”

Mahmood, who describes himself as a classical liberal whose views most closely align with contemporary American conservatism, says he frequently has to hear about how Republicans are “stupid and racist” and how he sides with “rednecks that want [Muslims] kicked out of this country.”  MORE

4 Comments on Muslim student calls out Dems for racial ‘pandering,’ lack of substance

  1. I trust no Hadji. That started way back in the day. My wife made freinds with a cute little blonde that was married to a “Persian”. He slapped her one night in front of us and then I slapped him. A lot. That was the end of that relationship. I often wonder if she ever got away from that ass.

  2. And there we have the full circle, Anon. Voting is democracy, and democracy is incompatible with sharia. And he would tell you straight to your face that sharia has nothing to do with him not voting.

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