Muslim Student Tries To Get Another Student Expelled For Refusing To Wear A Hijab – IOTW Report

Muslim Student Tries To Get Another Student Expelled For Refusing To Wear A Hijab

Daily Caller: A Muslim student tried to get another student expelled Thursday, which was World Hijab Day, after the second student refused to wear a hijab.

A Muslim student at the University of Central Florida said that she invited fellow student Kathy Zhu to try on a hijab, reported Twitchy. After Zhu declined her offer, the Muslim student, identified by Zhu to The Daily Caller News Foundation as UCF health sciences student Rayyan Sukkarieh, took to Twitter, posting “let’s get this girl expelled.”

Zhu showed pictures on Twitter of the UCF World Hijab Day booth, which displayed Sukkarieh, as well as signs reading “free headscarfs” and “my hijab is a symbol of understanding.”  more here

11 Comments on Muslim Student Tries To Get Another Student Expelled For Refusing To Wear A Hijab

  1. Is the girl who declined also a Mohammedan? Won’t matter if she is, but if it’s a non-Mohammedan she tried to have this happen to, she herself should be expelled and hopefully sued.

  2. And she would be the first to holler, “foul”, or, “religious freedom”, if someone attempted to convince her to remove her hijab, and then tried to get her expelled for not removing it.
    Fa’keem. Fa’keem all.

  3. This is another attempt to normalize Islam. The main reason for the hijab is because people were making fun out of Muhammad’s wives when they went to the bathroom at night. This is not some great commandment from Allah. From Wikiislam:

    The reason that Muslim women wear the hijab today is not a spiritual one, nor is it a matter of piety. Covering the hair/face cannot be considered an act of modesty because Muslim men are not required to cover theirs. The sole reason they do it is because Umar bin Al-Khattab, a companion of Prophet Muhammad, wished that he would reveal verses from Allah requiring women to wear it. When Muhammad did not oblige, Umar did not consider praying to Allah for assistance. Umar knew he had to make it personal for Muhammad himself in order to bring the revelation down. He followed Muhammad’s wives out when they went to go to the toilet and made his presence known. When Muhammad heard of this, the revelation that Umar had so wanted was sent down from Allah. Umar knew where these revelations were really coming from, which is why he went to Muhammad and harassed his wives instead of asking Allah.

    Although the revelational circumstances for the hijab may seem comical, the consequences that we can see to this day, are not. The requirement for the hijab has had the effect of placing full responsibility for Muslim-male self control onto the females – freeing the men of responsibility for their actions if they see an unveiled woman. Lack of self control is not an inherent attribute to men, because men in non-Islamic societies generally do not have such self control issues; when it is rare to see a woman covered so in these societies. The hijab’s purpose, as revealed and to this day, is designed to protect Muslim females from the now acceptable behavior of Muslim males; behavior which has been deemed socially acceptable precisely because of the requirement of Muslim females to wear the hijab.

  4. The hijab’s purpose, as revealed and to this day, is designed to protect Muslim females from the now acceptable behavior of Muslim males; behavior which has been deemed socially acceptable precisely because of the requirement of Muslim females to wear the hijab.

    Ahhh. Catch-22.

  5. She may not have liked having her picture up, but it was made on public grounds at a public event (not to mention, as pointed out by Zhu, while she was trying to engage with the public). So her complaint is baseless.

    However, inciting others to bully and try to have Zhu expelled is not any kind violation (as it says at article’s end)? Are you kidding me? That is bullish** behavior and should have consequences for the bully.

    Also, the whole nonsensical “reason” of utilizing hijab to prevent Muslim men from raping women reveals two points: 1) In certain years in Egypt, statistics showed that hijabis were groped and raped *more* than non-hijabis and 2) the practice of wrapping BABIES (literally) in hijab indicates a propensity or at least acknowledgement for raping of babies as well as toddlers and little girls (many of whom also have been seen to be wearing it).

    It also bears repeating that hijab, in many instances, has absolutely nothing to do with modesty; rather it is a political statement in itself. Also, chewing while wearing one is annoying as hell.

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