Muslim teen repeated #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his Stanford application — and got in – IOTW Report

Muslim teen repeated #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his Stanford application — and got in

ziad – twitter

Pamela Geller:

Mic and its hard-left allies are thrilled by this, but in reality it is a stunning indictment of Stanford University and further indication of how our nation’s universities are no longer centers for intellectual exploration, but only radioactive deserts of leftist recruitment and indoctrination. If Ziad Ahmed, with exactly the same grades and other records, had worked for Donald Trump and gotten his picture taken with him, and had written #BlueLivesMatter in support of the police on his Stanford application, would he have gotten in? Of course not.

No rational person can succeed in so toxic a marketplace.

The age of evil.

“Meet the Muslim teen who repeated #BlackLivesMatter on his Stanford application and got in,” by Sarah A. Harvard, Mic, April 3, 2017:

more here

19 Comments on Muslim teen repeated #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his Stanford application — and got in

  1. #StanfordIsRunByFuckingIdiots

  2. If I knew this is all they were looking for, I would have put much less effort into my medical school applications. At least now I know why Stanford didn’t invite me to fill out a secondary.

  3. Class action suit for EVERY APPLICANT for the coming year, all those who filled out actual serious applications, yet were not admitted.
    All these kids were harmed. Current and recent students also materially/financially harmed by Admin devaluing their Stanford diplomas through reckless SJW pandering.

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