Muslims using social media platforms to create fake posts that implicate Christians in blasphemy cases – IOTW Report

Muslims using social media platforms to create fake posts that implicate Christians in blasphemy cases

Jihad Watch:

Islamic supremacist thugs “are increasingly using social media platforms to falsely implicate Christians in blasphemy cases by creating fraudulent posts. According to Open Doors USA, Facebook posts have become a new tool used by Islamic extremists to persecute Christians.” They do it by hacking into Facebook accounts. It’s a new way to persecute Christians, as is done in Pakistan, where some Muslims falsely accuse Christians of blasphemy, subjecting the Christians to mob lynchings, jail, or state execution.

The Islamic supremacist abuse of Facebook to persecute Christians is emboldened by Facebook’s own policies. Facebook recently adopted, and then quietly dropped after an avalanche of bad publicity, a new policy allowing death threats against what it deems to be “dangerous individuals and organizations.” Paul Joseph Watson discussed Facebook putting out a “fatwa” on him on video here. And Twitter has been enforcing Pakistan’s blasphemy law. Conservative author and Frontpage Magazine editor Jamie Glazov and many others have received warnings that their tweets violated Pakistan’s blasphemy law. more here

3 Comments on Muslims using social media platforms to create fake posts that implicate Christians in blasphemy cases

  1. Fuck Islam. Fuck islam’s moon god. Fuck every last ass lifting, goat raping follower of the pedophile prophet, Mohammed, piss be upon him. And fuck Mohammed with satan’s dick in the deepest depths of hell.

  2. Well, why not a bit of turn-about? Hack some mohammadmen’s accounts and post blasphemy in their names? You woudn’t even have to make up lies, just tell the truth about that satanic totalitarian sect and its satanic murderous incestuous child-molesting founder.

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