Must be time for applesauce – IOTW Report

Must be time for applesauce

h/t Tuesday [title and image]

Biden Caught Checking His Watch At The Ceremony Welcoming Our Fallen Heroes (Video)

Right Journalism: The mother of a Marine killed in the Kabul airport attack called President Joe Biden a ‘dementia-ridden piece of crap’ as the president meets with families of the 13 fallen service members on Sunday

‘My son was one of the Marines that died yesterday,’ Kathy McCollum said in a radio interview on Friday of her 20-year-old late son Rylee.

‘[He was] getting ready to come home from freaking Jordan to be with his wife to watch the birth of his son,’ McCollum said. ‘And that sackless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die.’

Maybe her comment was one of the reasons why Biden wasn’t planning to attend the ceremony: more hree

30 Comments on Must be time for applesauce

  1. Well, that’s enough. If Biden and all of his administration isn’t removed by noon next wednesday, the 1st of September, it’s over, no turning back….

  2. I can’t believe he even has the gall to show his face. 😡

    The only time I’m glad to see someone with a mask on, is when you’re wearing it Joe, and the bitch of a wife included.

    Thoughts and Prayers to all the families who lost their loved ones. 🕊❤🙏

  3. Call or email The White House to ask him to RESIGN. The phones lines are open about the same hours creepy joe works, tues-thurs 11-4:00. He is a disgrace to the United States of America.

  4. Anonymous: Bullseye. Him and his ilk don’t give 2 squirts about anything unless it has to do with them staying in power. He shouldn’t have even been there, salting that hallowed ground with his footprints. Despicable.

  5. Fur,

    I have but one meager request. Would it be possible to program it so that Fucik’s Entry of the Gladiators queues up and plays in the background whenever you post a story regarding this Charlie Foxtrot of an illegitimate malAdministration? It would save me the hassle of opening it separately.

  6. Gawd damn slanty eyed buck tooth faggots. I give them everything they demand. The least they can do is buy a couple billion dollar pieces of shit paintings and pay on time. Where the phuck is their deposit? Crooked commie cock suckers.

  7. I’ve just been avoiding stuff lately. Sometimes I have to step back for a short time. I still lurk here but haven’t said much. That said, I hate this sham of an administration.

  8. This puppet admin is an embarrassing disaster.
    I’m still ticked off at the cheating dirty dems and the spineless gop who refused to stop them.
    Bidumb has always been a pedo sex abuser void of any feelings.
    I often wonder if his first wife was running away when the accident happened.

  9. “It is very difficult to deny that all of this was the conclusion, and result of voter fraud, (along with the manipulation of a questionable, and treatable, “pandemic”), resulting with the installation of an illegitimate, mentally incapacitated president who now bears responsibility for his initial actions and eventual outcomes. This can also be applied to actions taken regarding immigration policies, energy independence, a so-called (treatable) “pandemic”, which they will likely attempt stretching out into the 2022 and 2024 elections, since the massive voter fraud schemes worked so well in 2020!

    Those responsible government officials who acted as though the entire 2020 election process was legitimate, and who were responsible for quietly ushering in this fraudulent, obviously incapacitated president are also culpable accessories, who can no longer be trusted by their constituents.

    We are now witnessing the beginnings of this outcome of a heinous, massively pre-planned crime of all times, which now bears the fruits of this criminal behavior, which may last into a future with, or without, a country.

    What time is it now, Joe?”

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