Must Watch – Trump Supporter Bruce Carter, Who Happens To Be Black, Busts CNN Using Him To Create Fake News – IOTW Report

Must Watch – Trump Supporter Bruce Carter, Who Happens To Be Black, Busts CNN Using Him To Create Fake News

CTH: This video is buckets of priceless.  During a Right Side Broadcast livestream interview of President Trump supporters at the Tulsa rally, RSBN journalist Liz Willis interviews Bruce Carter, a black Trump supporter.

During the interview Ms. Willis mentions the media, and that’s when Mr. Carter shares an example from moments before where CNN used him to create fake news.   Carter says “but you just mentioned the news, so someone just sent me this clip with me on CNN sometime this morning”…  Apparently CNN used a picture of Bruce Carter to frame an angry narrative that “Tulsa Braces For Clashes”.  This is priceless.  Well worth watching:

13 Comments on Must Watch – Trump Supporter Bruce Carter, Who Happens To Be Black, Busts CNN Using Him To Create Fake News

  1. Never concede good intentions to followers of the progressive movement.

    CNN et all functions as the ministry of propaganda for the progressive movement. They have forfeit any legitimate claim that they are due the benefit of the doubt. That ship sailed long ago.

  2. What a gentleman. He is so calm and confident. He is able to take the disgusting story from CNN and just let it roll off his back. I think it might take me a week of prayer to calm and forgive before I could shrug and laugh it off.

    I wish I had heard more about his mentoring on this clip.

  3. I second Gladys.

    Too many sheeple don’t know who they are, so they follow the loudest, easiest and so-called popular opinion. After all, everyone wants to be popular, right?

  4. These people are absolutley despicable human beings. Intentionally trying to deceive they’re own country in an attempt to further their own socialilest ideology. These are scary and dangerous times. Get yourselves right.

  5. I think it’s time we ‘crackers’ meet up and start a roving mob of our own. We will need maps with addresses for all these numbnut supporters so we can start destroying everything in our path. “Katy, bar the door!”

  6. A decent man who thinks for himself and not interested in violence to get his message across.
    He doesn’t seem to be a Trump supporter, but he’s very aware black Americans have to participate in the voting system (without fraud) in order to have a positive effect on their lives and communinities. Leave it to CNN to stab him in the back.

  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd THIS is why I call ’em the COMPLICIT Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media. These disingenuous, lying bastards aren’t reporting the news. They’re fabricating it! They are the enemy for fomenting and deliberately whipping up anger solely to divide the American people!

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