Mutiny in Mali – IOTW Report

Mutiny in Mali

BAMAKO (Reuters) – Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and top government officials were detained on Tuesday by mutinying soldiers in the capital Bamako, plunging a country already facing a jihadist insurgency and mass protests deeper into crisis.

Keita’s detention followed hours of uncertainty after soldiers mutinied in the morning at the Kati military base outside Bamako and rounded up a number of senior civilian officials and military officers.

Images on social media showed Keita, and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse in military convoy surrounded by armed soldiers, said to be at the Kati garrison, but Reuters could not confirm the authenticity of the videos. more

5 Comments on Mutiny in Mali

  1. On top of everything joey is dyslexic. He probably thing that d o g spells God. You’re not that clever joey, just stupid and out of your friggin mind, and everyone knows it. Go back and crawl into your hole down in your basement where you’re safe from anything happening to you.


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