Mutual Agreement – U.S. Closes Mexico and Canada Border Blocking Non-Essential Travel – IOTW Report

Mutual Agreement – U.S. Closes Mexico and Canada Border Blocking Non-Essential Travel

Conservative Treehouse: Earlier today President Trump announced the closing of the southern border (Mexico) and northern border (Canada) to non essential travel. Entry/Exit for trade and business travel will continue to operate with additional screening.

PROTECTING PUBLIC HEALTH: President Trump is taking action at our northern and southern borders to prevent further spread of the coronavirus in the United States.

♦ The United States has reached mutual agreements with Canada and Mexico to restrict non-essential travel across our northern and southern borders.

♦ The United States will expeditiously return aliens who cross between ports of entry or are otherwise not allowed to enter the country, as the facilities in which these aliens would normally be held cannot support quarantine for the time needed to assess potential cases. read more

9 Comments on Mutual Agreement – U.S. Closes Mexico and Canada Border Blocking Non-Essential Travel

  1. If this virus is so deadly and infectious why aren’t hundreds of homeless people dying a day in Los Angeles and San Francisco and Seattle where they might not have seen soap in years and living in their own filth. These people should be the canary in the coal mine. Yet, I haven’t seen or heard of one report of a homeless drug addict contracting the virus let alone dying . Do street people have immunity from the virus? I guess they are all being quarantined in their cardboard boxes and tents. Or perhaps they are good a social distancing?

  2. feel so bad I got a worried mind
    and nothing to wipe My behind
    Since It ain’t at stores that I can Find
    from Wuhan Flu

    Saving pickels, saving limes
    to wipe where the sun don’t shine
    Looking forward to happier times
    from Wuhan Flu

    I’m going back someday
    Come what may
    and no wuhan Flu
    Where the old folks are fine
    And the world is mine
    and no Wuuuuu Hannnnnnnnn fluuuuuuuuuuuu!

  3. At Breitbard, Kris Kobach has an article about just how “closed” the southern border is. IOW, it isn’t. And there has been a big increase in the number of Chinese illegal border hoppers. There were a ton last year, and he cites Border Patrol numbers that some 350 have been stopped so far in 2020. If for every one caught three get through, that means well over a thousand illegal Chinese immigrants have made it into the U.S. with no screening or testing.


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