My digital landscape is changing post election – IOTW Report

My digital landscape is changing post election

Legal Insurrection-

I’m moving to Parler, MeWe, OAN, and Newsmax.

The pre-election panel discussion on Sunday, Nov. 1st seems ages ago. It is amazing how time slows down when your are in a nightmare.

Yet, one answer I gave regarding a my response to a Biden victory resonates very strongly with me now: If Biden wins, we will need websites like Legal Insurrection more now than ever before.

After enduring the complete fiasco of election night coverage on Fox News, I had to take a break from all mainstream media news coverage. It was crystal clear that ‘journalists” were going to drive the narrative that Biden won, and discount or minimize the legal challenges and ground reports indicating serious problems with the vote count.

I have to be honest: I took the weekend off, crawled into my comfy corner with a good book and a cup of cocoa, and let the anger and disappointment wash out of me.

It’s going to be hard to continue review, analyze and share what passes as “news” in this country, as determined by the elite, self-serving globalists who reign in the DC-NYC Beltway. However, #WalkAway Movement founder provided some needed inspiration in a tweet: more

8 Comments on My digital landscape is changing post election

  1. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
    This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

  2. Stirrin, that was Sinclair media, and it was a script against one-sided news reporting which they required their anchors to read. Basically a mission statement. The left, which is perfectly fine with lockstep leftist legacy media narratives, flipped their wigs about the Sinclair statement and produced the montage you showed. Never mind that the same thing is done to multiple narratives across many platforms and ostensibly independent legacy media corporations on a daily basis.

    Sinclair is one corporation. It is perfectly logical that they’d make the same corporate statement in all off their outlets. It’s a little more sinister when supposedly independent media competitors collude to push the same narratives.

  3. I’ve taken Fox news off my list of favorites, and now use whatfinger, OAN, and newsmax. I’ve been trying to get a parler account, but have not been successful so far.


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