My Discussion With John Durham’s Lead Investigator, William Aldenberg – IOTW Report

My Discussion With John Durham’s Lead Investigator, William Aldenberg


On Tuesday August 18th, I had the opportunity to talk to, be interviewed by, and brief the person described as the “main guy”, the “central investigator”, “the guy who coordinates all investigative aspects” behind the John Durham investigation.

His name is William Aldenberg, and before getting to the substance of the conversation some background context is needed.

On June 7, 2018, an indictment against Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director James Wolfe was unsealed.

Approximately six weeks later, July 21, 2018, the DOJ mysteriously declassified and publicly released the Carter Page FISA application.  That’s when I noticed the first two documents were related.  The FISA application was the “top secret classified document” described in the Wolfe indictment.

Immediately I recognized it wasn’t just any copy of the FISA application that was released by the DOJ; but rather a very specific copy of the FISA application.  What the DOJ released was the exact copy used in the leak investigation of James Wolfe.  The ramifications of this specific copy being publicly released were immediately noted, although almost everyone seemed to gloss over the issue in favor of discussing the content.

Over the course of the next several months the ramifications became more clear.  Despite overwhelming evidence James Wolfe was never charged with leaking the FISA application on March 17, 2017.  Quite the contrary, even to this day the official position of the FBI, DOJ and U.S. government is that Wolfe *did not* leak the FISA application. There’s a very big reason for that; as both myself and special agent William Aldenberg discussed.

First, in order to fill in another corner of the interview foundation it must be remembered the goal of the DOJ under former AG Jeff Sessions, despite his recusal on all things Trump, was the removal of political influence in the DOJ.  That same objective has been repeated ad infinitum by current AG Bill Barr.  This approach is why everyone in/around any issue that skirts on the investigative tissue keeps saying: “a very delicate balance is being navigated”, and “very sensitive approaches” are needed. more

6 Comments on My Discussion With John Durham’s Lead Investigator, William Aldenberg

  1. Wow. I have respected the work of the Conservative Treehouse since I found iOTW in 2008. Sundance is a treasure of an investigator. When the swamp is drained and all the criminals are behind bars (I still have a glimmer of hope), he should be recognized as a true hero.

  2. Whoreporter Ali Watkins is still gainfully employed at the Gray Lady NYT, instead of sharing a cell in the Gray Bars Hotel with Reality Winner. As if we needed another reason to dismiss ANYTHING coming from the NYT.

  3. The very first thing done in public office is to accrue dirt on other office holders. It could be actual criminal behavior or just sensitive information that could cause harm to self and family. With that in mind it becomes extremely difficult for someone to come forward to confront the abuse that is ubiquitous in government. Self preservation and personal advancement are the guiding principles in public office.
    It’s clear that Barr is carefully and slowly navigating the crimes not to insure a guaranteed positive result in the way of convictions, but to keep the exposure from snowballing into a much larger crisis for himself and fellow swamp creatures.


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