My favorite Press Secretary meme – IOTW Report

My favorite Press Secretary meme


My favorite press secretary meme of my favorite press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

h/t RWF

25 Comments on My favorite Press Secretary meme

  1. Bad_Brad December 28, 2017 at 6:37 pm

    Liberals sure don’t know anything about trap shooting. There’s a pic over at the link above with pointers pointing to slate landscaping, mowed lawn (looks like a field to me), some trees, and a guy sitting with an arrow pointing to his shoes that says “never worn.” Ha! Then they chimed in and said “pretty sure you can’t shoot in a residential area.” Morons! They never got over her beautiful pecan pies. So much jealousy, the crap just steams out of them.

  2. “and a guy sitting with an arrow pointing to his shoes that says “never worn.”

    That’s Don Jr. If you follow that guys IG page you’ll discover all he does his hunt and fish. (The Bastid). In the last three months he’s been Elk Hunting twice, Deer Hunting a couple time, and he just got back from Texas Duck Hunting with his kids. Had dinner with the Cruz’s when he was in Texas by the way. But to try and paint him like he’s some wanna be outdoors man is total Bull Shit.

  3. The assholes are slamming her for not wearing hearing protection while she shooting. How can they tell? Look at that picture. Her hair is covering her ears. These people must be really miserable with their existence.

  4. Dan Ryan Galt

    Both my wife and my daughter shoot off their right heel. I tried to correct them, finally gave up. But most people drop the gun down when the yell pull for target acquisition. Which looks exactly like what she’s doing.

  5. Went dove hunting with a buddy once, being island boys we mostly hunted ducks and marsh hen.
    He showed up with a brand new, took it out of the box 870.
    “Johnny, why a new gun you have a half dozen.”
    “The marsh gun is too rusted, the duck gun is busted, the goose gun is too big and I’ll be damned if I’m going to bring my A5 to a muddy field.”
    We were hunting over a harvested rye field, so, baited, legal, but baited.
    It was to be a double day, drop off in the morning, pick up for lunch and evening shoot for those who hadn’t limited already.
    When the guy was dropping Johnny off he picked up the obligatory 5 gal bucket with a padded top, hefted it and asked if he had enough shells.
    “The limit is 12 right?”
    “Yeah, it’s 12.”
    “Well, I got a whole box of shells.”
    The guy looked at the brand new 870, looked Johnny up and down, Johnny was a snappy dresser, he pressed his Levis.
    Turned his back and made a face.
    I have been with guys who shot up 3 boxes of shells and never limited, dove are a bitch to hit.
    Coupla 3 hours later he rides up with coffee and water.
    “How’d ya do boys?”
    Johnny had limited and I had 9. The guy almost fell over when he saw the pile of birds.
    Keep in mind, this was a no dog hunt, you had to walk to retrieve, the further your shot, the further you had to hike.
    “The rest of the guys are no where close to limiting, if you want to keep shooting I will take some of these birds in case the man shows up, need any shells?”
    “No, I’m good.”
    The moral, Don’t judge by what you see, even if you do know what you are talking about.
    I love dove, easy to clean, easy to cook, taste great, hard to hit.

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