That’s what the Floridians call fronds with benefits 😉
@Chalupa — 2/3rds of a pun — P U
So, they wouldn’t let you put that up back in New York? lol
Hey Stranded – I have friends that were at ground zero at the Napa quake – their pictures of household destruction were amazing. I hope you rode it out ok.
@Chalupa — Yes, thanks. I think I slept through the first 10-15 seconds because it didn’t seem that long to me. My wife as usual was a basket case until the shaking stopped, which wasn’t bad. Not one of the local TV stations broke into their before sunrise broadcast with any news. We only got info from the Weather channel of all places.
Hey, it’s California. Loma Prieta was MUCH worse.
Glad you rode it out ok this time. I know what you mean about Loma Prieta. I was in Sunnyvale (South SF bay Area) during that quake, and it was a real roller coaster. Wife was watching our 2 year old daughter and she was a basket case, too, but the kid liked it.
I must have something wrong with my brain. All I saw was a pretty Christmas decoration. Then I read the comments.
@GruntOfMonteCristo — During the Loma Prieta quake, I was living in an apartment with my wife and there was a second block across a central walkway that mirrored our block. I was watching that building and it looked like it was undulating. There were four very tall palm trees across the street and they were swaying about 45-50 degrees to each side. Scared the crap out of me. Moved into a house the next year.
I’ve lived most of my life in the midwest but lived 2.5 years in SW Florida.
Winter in SW Florida is an experience. Absolutely perfect weather. Not cold, not hot, not humid, sunny day after day after day.
Funny you mention the palm trees. That was the weirdest thing about Loma Prieta. During all the aftershocks, my focus was on the *buildings*. But during the primary quake, I was sitting in my car in a parking lot on El Camino Real looking at a huge line of palm trees lining the street, and they were swaying 45 degrees, just like you said. That’s a lot of ground motion.
So I guess that’s like the Corona Christmas Palm tree after the six pack is gone?
Thank God they kept the Nativity set at least 30 feet away, mostly out of range. 😯
How is life without a snowshovel? Are you still using mosquito repellant? Have you had to chase off an alligator from your backyard yet?
Please dispose of your old viagra more carefully.
Is that a Scooter with bent handle bars on the Lani? Holy crap.
Went to the beach today with Roxy the chihuahua, in December, so Florida at least has that going for it.
When are you going to be selling this years Christmas ornaments?
Funny BFH. I’m on union strike around here, I refuse to even decorate.
27 degrees…..what’s a palm tree?
Bad Brad, refrain from tasting the knob. Corona.
Fur, can’t wait to hear about your first summer in Florida.
Coronas, lol, very good,
We stick bows on these. If we can catch them.
Cardigan, Them are fast, I saw it once, in a cartoon.
Cardigan, Wylie Coyote might be easier to catch. Just sayen, Beep Beep. Look out for anything labeled Acme. You are playing a dangerous game.
Wouldn’t want you to get too homesick…
That’s what the Floridians call fronds with benefits 😉
@Chalupa — 2/3rds of a pun — P U
So, they wouldn’t let you put that up back in New York? lol
Hey Stranded – I have friends that were at ground zero at the Napa quake – their pictures of household destruction were amazing. I hope you rode it out ok.
@Cardigan — I thought you meant THIS Road Runner.
@Chalupa — Yes, thanks. I think I slept through the first 10-15 seconds because it didn’t seem that long to me. My wife as usual was a basket case until the shaking stopped, which wasn’t bad. Not one of the local TV stations broke into their before sunrise broadcast with any news. We only got info from the Weather channel of all places.
Hey, it’s California. Loma Prieta was MUCH worse.
Glad you rode it out ok this time. I know what you mean about Loma Prieta. I was in Sunnyvale (South SF bay Area) during that quake, and it was a real roller coaster. Wife was watching our 2 year old daughter and she was a basket case, too, but the kid liked it.
I must have something wrong with my brain. All I saw was a pretty Christmas decoration. Then I read the comments.
@GruntOfMonteCristo — During the Loma Prieta quake, I was living in an apartment with my wife and there was a second block across a central walkway that mirrored our block. I was watching that building and it looked like it was undulating. There were four very tall palm trees across the street and they were swaying about 45-50 degrees to each side. Scared the crap out of me. Moved into a house the next year.
I’ve lived most of my life in the midwest but lived 2.5 years in SW Florida.
Winter in SW Florida is an experience. Absolutely perfect weather. Not cold, not hot, not humid, sunny day after day after day.
Funny you mention the palm trees. That was the weirdest thing about Loma Prieta. During all the aftershocks, my focus was on the *buildings*. But during the primary quake, I was sitting in my car in a parking lot on El Camino Real looking at a huge line of palm trees lining the street, and they were swaying 45 degrees, just like you said. That’s a lot of ground motion.