My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated. Here’s why. – IOTW Report

My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated. Here’s why.

I’m a Type 2 diabetic and I use insulin to control my blood sugars. After being vaccinated, my insulin needs tripled. I was wondering what caused it. Now I know.

12 Comments on My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated. Here’s why.

  1. There is nothing good going on with these jabs! It seems like a person could trust a street corner dealer as much as you can trust a corporate medical professional nowadays. I have 3 doctors now, my level of trust is very narrowly defined and if I could find an independent doctor in their place I’d take it.

  2. This is the reason I’ve not gotten the jab. Renal issues keep popping up when docs not under government control investigate things-like real scientists.

    The EU in August saw two kidney side effects with the vax. So, why would someone risk damaging their already damaged kidneys? Many people on different kidney pages I follow have had Covid and survived, on dialysis even. Most want to protect their transplants. What does mRNA do to you really?

    Yet, nephrologists give a sour puss face when you tell then you haven’t gotten the shot and don’t plan to. “Hard no.”

  3. I’ll never be able to understand why anyone took it. Why would you let them inject you with something that in all animal trials the animals died and is why pre-plandemic it could never get approval for human trials. Then this time around they skipped right over animal trials and went straight to human trials and then didn’t even have control groups and you’re supposed to just take their word for what happened to those in the trials.

    I don’t get willingly being their guinea pig.

  4. Ilustr8r, the PA in my Nephrologist office said, “We’ll discuss it later” when I told her I won’t get the clot shot. I never get a flu shot.
    Guess what? I don’t care.
    If she gives me a hard time again I will insist I see my actual doc from now on.

    The pharm co’s probably see higher insulin levels as an opportunity to sell more monitors and drugs.

  5. cedars rebellion is right:

    Dr. Berry; Doctor Berg; Doctor Sten Ekberg; Dr. Jonkers. Most importantly Dr. Eric Westerman, Duke University.

    These guys have websites and are on youtube. Heal yourself by changing how and what you eat. Anecdotal I know, but it worked for me: shed thirty pounds, body fat now at 10%. I was on Atenolol and Lisinopril to control BP for 13 years; not any more, and my BP is 116/65 with a mid sixties pulse rate. I’m active but do not ‘exercise,’ though I do walk semi-regularly. I started in December of last year, so not like it takes forever to see results.

    Low carb, high fat Proper Human Diet: corrects the hormonal issues causing the problems (insulin resistance, BP, skin ailments, etc).

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