My money’s on Ben Rhodes – IOTW Report

My money’s on Ben Rhodes

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, Fox News reporter Adam Housley reported that sources have confirmed that the “unmasker” of Trump people is “very well known, very high up, very senior, in the intelligence world.”

What’s more, Housely reports that Devin Nunes “now knows who is responsible” for this unmasking. And it is not the FBI.

Naturally, this has led to wild speculation as to who this unmasker is.

The Federalist’s Sean Davis offered this poetic guess

Yeah. Clapper is a good guess.

But if I were a bettin’ gal, my money would be on Ben Rhodes.



14 Comments on My money’s on Ben Rhodes

  1. Rhodes has a brother who is a big wig at CBS.
    So he not only has a posse of reporters that will spread whatever pro-Democrat news Ben wants spread, his posse will ignore and hide truly important information that is damaging to Democrats, even if it damages the country.

  2. it is the Muslim convert Brennan
    no doubt I am correct!
    Isn’t it funny the Obama couldn’t stop talking about himself for 8 years and all of a sudden you don’t hear a peep.

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