My Neighbors Hunt – IOTW Report

My Neighbors Hunt

American Thinker:

My neighbors hunt.  They can survive in the forest, hills, lakes, and rivers, here in Indiana.  They understand the world of nature, its vicissitudes and savagery.  Appreciating its transcendent beauty and cadences, they also accept its fierce cruelties.  They do not worship nature.  They seek reconciliation with it that they may endure and protect their loved ones.  They admire the natural world, its towering majesty and microscopic complexity, but they do not hold it on a pedestal, pristine, and viewed from a distance.  Theirs’ is a realistic appraisal of nature and its vagaries, and what they require to survive. 

Coming from the Bronx, I was acquainted with riding the subway or bus or navigating the busy and often treacherous streets of New York.  There I learned to survive in the city, but I knew nothing of hunting, fishing, or surviving in nature.  Coastal elites have disdain for those schooled in such things.  They assume that food, water, and other necessities and amenities just appear.  They lack awareness of the complex grids, structures, and platforms that maintain their comforts.  The sources of the electricity that powers their computers and air-conditioning.  The gasoline that fuels their cars.  They do not appreciate those who make these daily, secular miracles possible, the commonplace wonders of modern, electronic civilization.   more

16 Comments on My Neighbors Hunt

  1. My neighbors hunt, fish, and trap. What is written here is so true. I have not needed to go out to any store for over a month now, as I had a well stocked pantry and freezer. I do depend upon fuel delivery for my house, as I no longer heat with wood, but I still could. I can bake, cook, can, freeze and freeze dry food at any time of the year. It is a wonderful and free life.

    I receive the weekly grocery flyers and seldom want or need any of the items they have for sale. As good as some prefab meals are, they can’t compare with home cooking, and they aren’t as healthy.

    I love my Triune God, my family, my friends, and life. I consider myself blessed, come what may.

  2. Most of the coastal elites would freak out if the TV and internet went down for more then a week, let alone if the grocery stores closed.
    Remember what happened in New Orleans when the SNAP cards got shut off? Image that on a country wide scale.

  3. Just told my wife how my grandfather could walk through a pasture field and pick a big bag of greens to cook and eat. It’s always good to be prepared. I might look into getting one of those AR10s!

  4. I think about it all the time DIRTBALL.
    It will be like Watts,LA,Liberty City,Ferguson,Baltimore,
    Rodney,Trayvon and big gentle Mike Brown
    all at once nation wide!

  5. i hunt and fish regularly

    i am now endeavoring to produce my own liquor

    thank Goodness i watched a lot of the moonshiners on discovery channel years ago before i gave up my cable

    what i produce can easily be bartered and stored for years

  6. @ Bad Brad. Yup… You forgot to add in millions of geese and ducks, mule deer, antelope, trout, catfish and others. There are plenty of rib eye steaks and lamb chops on the hoof, chickens and eggs galore, that we can buy/trade from our neighbors.

    And of course apples, pears, plums, elderberry, cherry, blackberry…and so on to can, preserve, make wine and brandy to trade for that steak 😁

    We’ll be good.

  7. “Equipped with bait, rods, reels, nets, and spears, they cast for bluegill, catfish, and carp.”

    I’ve never seen ANYBODY that set out to fish for carp. You catch them sometimes but those end up tossed on the bank.

  8. @ Lowell
    We have Russians at the company I work at that eat carp. Bone city from what I hear. From what I’ve seen a lot of the world will eat everything and anything. Eye ball soup is not off the plate.

  9. “As for that thumbnail, sitting in a blind Next to a salt lick isn’t hunting, as far as those of us in God’s country are concerned. 🙂”

    Neither do the Rabbit Sheriff’s around here. They refer to that as “Hunting Over Bait” and the fines are stiff.

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