‘My Open Apology To Wajahat Ali On Behalf Of All Trump Voters’ – IOTW Report

‘My Open Apology To Wajahat Ali On Behalf Of All Trump Voters’


By David Marcus.

Hey, Wajahat, how’s it going, man? I see that you are catching hell for your New York Times hit piece on the more than 70 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. And, you know, I just want to apologize to you, on their behalf and mine, for not heeding your really important advice about what our political views should be. You took time out of your busy day to insult us, and we should have respected that more.

You are to be commended. You did what any regular guy would do when trying to understand Trump voters. You went to your speaking agency and had them book you gigs in Trump country, those sad little corners of America where you can get breakfast for under 30 dollars. That was the smart way to go. First of all you get paid, second you are assured a podium to literally stand above the rubes you are trying to convert. It’s frankly incredible that you changed nobody’s mind, but that’s their fault, not yours.

The important thing to remember during this trying time is that you are right and we are wrong. We wanted stupid things like constitutional Supreme Court justices, no new wars, tax cuts, a record stock market, criminal justice reform, peace deals in the Middle East, and coronavirus vaccines in record time. Selfish things. You wanted a president you could be proud of! Why? I don’t fully understand, but it seems very high-minded. more

12 Comments on ‘My Open Apology To Wajahat Ali On Behalf Of All Trump Voters’

  1. That was a subtle understated razor blade dissection disguised as a complimentary observation. Insert blade and twist, all while saying how much I admire you. Nice job.

  2. Heh. Watched Tee Vee people at dinner trying to one up one another on their ‘credentials’. Was talking with a lady who helped me cut a sixty inch maple down. She and I got it safely on the ground while these jerk off folks succeeded in selling an ad or two on some schlock show on tee vee.


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