MyKayla Skinner says Simone Biles taunts led to death threats – IOTW Report

MyKayla Skinner says Simone Biles taunts led to death threats


MyKayla Skinner is pleading with Simone Biles to urge her followers to cease the online bullying and death threats directed at the former USA Gymnastics star amid their escalating feud.

‘I sincerely hoped that this topic wouldn’t have to be revisited, but unfortunately things have really gotten out of hand lately,’ an emotional Skinner said on Instagram Tuesday, while claiming that she and her family has been the subject of death threats.

‘So, to Simone, I am asking you directly and publicly to please put a stop to this,’ Skinner went on to say.

Skinner sparked fierce backlash after recently questioning the current American gymnastics squad’s dedication – comments that resurfaced following a cryptic social media post from Biles: ‘lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions.’ more

18 Comments on MyKayla Skinner says Simone Biles taunts led to death threats

  1. I can’t imagine giving the even smallest shit about these people.

    But I’m sure it’s peace loving democrats who are doing the death threats.

  2. Jodie Foster’s Army was a joke mame for a punk band in 1981. Now we have Taylor Swift’s Army and Simone Biles’ Army, and it’s no joke facing down Pop Warlords with their NPC legions. Of course, you could live your life off the social media grid and none of them would matter.

  3. I’m thinking MyKayla Skinner should stick waiting tables. After everything Simone Biles been through she’s back, focused, and kicking ass and taking names. Very impressive actually.

  4. sorry:
    I’m constipated, which is a polite way of saying that, as a non-Cathoiic, after seeing the opening ceremony, there is no way I can give a **** about any part of the 2024 Olympic Games.
    You want to smear fecal matter over my friends’ beliefs, I want nothing to do with any of you.
    IMHO, I think that any country with people, Catholic or not, which had a jot of decency, should have withdrawn from this international sports contest.
    Would I have felt badly for these young men and women who had spent their lives training for these events – YES!
    I just don’t like getting smacked in the face with a sackful of **** and have no other way to make my disgust known.

  5. The more Biles opens hee mouth the less I like hee. Being well trained and talented is one thing. Being a brat and stupid is another.
    And why is that Skinner taking to social media to air grievances? Also stupid.
    It’s not like any of them are saving lives or anything and the Olympics are almost all politics now.

  6. Whatever.
    But if you want to see a truly inspirational athlete (one of many, to be sure), look up Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, the superstar in 400M hurdles. NBC did a puff piece on her yesterday, she loves God and her family.

  7. Somehow, society has over the years ascribed some importance to people who have a deep but narrow talent or skill. If you can throw or hit a ball or sing or dance thats great. Many of us like to watch or listen but your opinion about anythings else is totally MEANINGLESS.

    Shut up and do your thing.

  8. While I have great admiration for atheletic ability, I am sick to death of prima Donna, over-paid athletes who think the world revolves around them. Do your little sports thing, and then go get a real job, if you can. I don’t know where Simone falls into this, nor do I care.

  9. Ability aside, Files strikes me as a nasty person in private. Just something about the way she presents herself says big time fake. Could be wrong and she could he lovely, who knows.


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