Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City – IOTW Report

Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley, CA in the central San Joaquin Valley?

16 Comments on Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

  1. Let’s see if I can understand this. We fund scores of Bio-Labs overseas to avoid the laws and defunding that has been passed, but China funding a Bio-Lab here is okay?

  2. Somebody needs to check Newsom’s bank deposits …
    and the Pelosi’s …
    We KNOW the Bidens profited from this.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley, CA in the central San Joaquin Valley?”

    So that the next lab leak (intentional or not) happens on your enemy’s turf, not your own.

  4. Get the PantyFags/#BurnLootMurder riled up to attack, burn, and destroy the lab.

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