Mysterious foul odor plagues Utah city – IOTW Report

Mysterious foul odor plagues Utah city

FOX: A mysterious foul odor has one Utah city telling residents if you “smell something, say something.”

Residents have complained of a smell spreading across West Valley City, and city officials are trying to pinpoint where the odor is coming from.

“It’s kind of a sewer type smell,” West Valley City communications director Sam Johnson told FOX13 on Wednesday. “It’s just a musty, sewer smell that is very noticeable and very unpleasant that you can smell in certain parts of the city stronger, but it even comes down here to City Hall.”  more here

24 Comments on Mysterious foul odor plagues Utah city

  1. sounds about right thar Mr. Hambone.


    it’s all those unwarshed magical mormon undies from all them thar unwarshed masses.

    but, im bankin on the latter, get it, the latters

    Pppffft! lol.

    man, i crack my selves up

  2. This is not new, as was reported on another local news station. It started about 8 years ago when a composting facility was run out of a more politically influential part of Salt Lake Valley and relocated near the county landfill, just across the boundary from West Valley City in Salt Lake City.

    As a reluctant resident of West Valley City, I complained about it then and was told, alternately, that it was lake stink, or that it was out of West Valley’s jurisdiction so they couldn’t do anything about it. They have known exactly who the perpetrators are for 8 years and chose to do nothing. I am dubious about this recent effort.

    They have never needed to wait for the County or the State to do anything. The City has a legal department. They have a well payed City Attorney. They could have opened a nuisance suit against those people the first month of operation. West Valley City has a well deserved reputation for being mediocre, at best.


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