Mystery Gmail Account Revives Questions About Clinton Email Probe – IOTW Report

Mystery Gmail Account Revives Questions About Clinton Email Probe

Epoch Times:

News Analysis

FBI Section Chief Peter Strzok looked dismissive and aloof as he listened to Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General investigator Frank Rucker relay an alarming lead for the Clinton email investigation on Feb. 18, 2016, at the bureau’s headquarters in Washington, according to Rucker and Jeanette McMillian, an attorney who accompanied him to the meeting.

Days earlier, Rucker had discovered an anomaly in all but four of the 30,490 emails Clinton’s lawyers provided to Congress. Each message contained “” in the metadata, suggesting that a copy of each message that passed through Hillary Clinton’s private, unauthorized server during her tenure as secretary of state was forwarded to the Gmail address in real time. Rucker’s concern was amplified when he searched for “Carter Heavy Industries” on Google and came up with information for a Chinese company with a similar name.

On the same day, more than 1,600 miles away in Denver, Colorado, FBI agents interviewed Paul Combetta, the information technology aide who allegedly created the mystery Gmail account. Combetta told the agents that he used the account in February 2014 to transfer an archive of Clinton’s emails from her tenure as the secretary of state to the Clinton email server he was administering for Platte River Networks in Secaucus, New Jersey. As a result, “” ended up in the metadata of each message.

While the existence of Combetta’s Gmail was revealed long ago, the curious name he picked for the account and the fact that it was embedded in the metadata of all but four of the emails provided to Congress became public on Aug. 14 this year, when Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) released a set of letters and documents resulting from the Senate Finance Committee’s investigation related to “” In the last few pages of the document, a letter from the inspectors general of the Intelligence Community and the Justice Department concludes that they are not aware of any evidence linking Combetta to the Chinese company with a name similar to the Gmail he allegedly created.

“I’m still curious—how did he come up with the name for the email and what has the FBI done to see if there are any connections between China and Combetta?” Rep. Louie Gohmert told The Epoch Times.

“It may tell us, as we suspected, that they probably already knew about it and when they found out the Intel IG knew about it, then they had to at least ask a question about it to try to cover their rears.”

While Grassley’s documents settled some of the mystery surrounding the Gmail account, the details within raise more questions than they answer. The revelation also exposes another blatant breach of security protocols in the handling of highly classified information by Clinton, her staff, and her lawyers.

At least eight of the email chains contained in the batch Combetta siphoned through the Gmail account were classified as top secret, the highest level of classification for government documents in the United States, at the time they were sent. In the hands of an adversary, top-secret information could cause “exceptionally grave damage” to the national security of the United States. At least 36 email chains contained secret information, of which disclosure to an unauthorized actor could cause “serious damage” to national security.
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9 Comments on Mystery Gmail Account Revives Questions About Clinton Email Probe

  1. treason in the highest levels of government … death penalty offensives

    & I’m ‘optimistically’ hoping for convictions

    … but ‘half-full’ of faith, I realize that absolutely nothing will be done

    No Justice, No Peace!

  2. if the emails were forwarded to a gmail account, they could have been easily hacked by just about anyone.Her emails could have been hacked by any kid in mommy’s basement. Given that it is reported clinton’s emails were also forwarded to a chinese company in the DC suburbs, there was virtually no security involved in her communications.
    Why didn’t the fbi investigate? One reason, along with clinton’s being above the law, is that obama communicated with her, using her clintonone email address. clinton knew, the fbi knew, and obama knew. Now everyone knows. Somebody do something, please.

  3. To quote the bitch, ‘At this point, what does it matter?’

    I’ve said it before: The only way anyone will see Hillary (or any of the criminal government elite) get justice is; if they are standing next to the mountain of evidence ‘revealed when it falls over from its own weight, and crushes the elitist criminal bitch and the rest of the D.C. cabal.

  4. The democrat priorities are warped beyond all reason. It should be clear that Hillary put american secrets on the international market for her own enrichment and yet they defend her actions rather than the countries interests. That’s why I can’t stand them, even those that didn’t approve of her behavior still tacitly approve by continuing their support of the party.

  5. Poor little Hillary. She is such a dupe. Apparently she can be talked into anything by others with ulterior motives. She has no independent will or reason.

    It’s a theory. It’s probably wrong.

  6. The most contemptible thing she did — besides the acts themselves — was to look directly into the cameras and cackle, “You mean wipe, like with a cloth?”

    “You mean hang, like with a rope?”


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