Mythical Viking Sunstone Used for Navigation was Real and Remarkably Accurate – IOTW Report

Mythical Viking Sunstone Used for Navigation was Real and Remarkably Accurate

Ancient Origins> The Vikings have been reputed to be remarkable seafarers who could fearlessly navigate their way through unknown oceans to invade unsuspecting communities along the North Sea and Atlantic Sea coasts of Europe. A well-known ancient Norse myth describes a magical gem that could reveal the position of the sun when hidden behind clouds or even after sunset. A new study shows the sunstone was real and very accurate.

Several accounts in the ancient Nordic sagas speak of a sólarsteinn or “sunstone”, which they used to determine the sun’s position after sunset. For years, it was thought to be little more than a legend. But in 2010, a unique crystal was found in the wreck of an Elizabethan ship sunk off the coast of the Channel Islands. After three years of intensive study, scientists announced that the crystal made of a calcite substance could indeed act as a navigational aid.

According to those researchers, the principle behind the sunstone relies on its unusual property of creating a double refraction of sunlight, even when it is obscured by cloud or fog. By turning the crystal in front of the human eye until the darkness of the two shadows were equal, the sun’s position can be pinpointed with remarkable accuracy.  MORE

7 Comments on Mythical Viking Sunstone Used for Navigation was Real and Remarkably Accurate

  1. Damn, I feel like I’m listening to a liberal promise of unicorns and fairy-dust that culminates in a utopian promise guaranteed to all that donate their entire life savings.

  2. Relatedly, how miraculous is it that we have Polaris that us so near perfect to due north that it simplified the latitude solution, i.e. degrees above horizon = degrees north?

  3. 3 years to find a polarizing lens in 2010. I’ve been wearing such $10 sunglasses since the ’80s. Only a university can waste that much money before getting into government.

  4. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3).
    It’ll split a laser bean. No shit.
    Keep one on my desk – bought it in North Carolina for half a buck, or so.

    izlamo delenda est …


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