N.M. governor, who defied Trump by pulling Nat’l Guard troops from border, is paying the price – IOTW Report

N.M. governor, who defied Trump by pulling Nat’l Guard troops from border, is paying the price

Liberty Unyielding: On Tuesday, LU reported that California Gov. Gavin Newsom pardoned seven felons slated for deportation in an act of defiance against Donald Trump. So far none of the freed ex-convicts has gone on to become a repeat offender, but the day is young: Give it time.

Meanwhile, another liberal state governor who displayed similar defiance earlier this year is reaping the windfall of her spiteful behavior. In February, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham ordered a withdrawal of the majority of the National Guard troops the administration had sent to her state’s border with Mexico, stating, “New Mexico will not take part in the president’s charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops.”

So how’s that working out for her and the state of New Mexico?  more

16 Comments on N.M. governor, who defied Trump by pulling Nat’l Guard troops from border, is paying the price

  1. The people totally deserve it. She wasn’t installed as a Czar.

    If they are wiser for it they will vote her out and put in place a better Gov.

    If they are pissed, they can figure out how to get her out before the next election.

    Obviously, this lesson is needed for them to wise up and get their heads out of the liberal fantasyland ass.

    It took 8 years of O-crap to wake up & motivate enough people to elect a man like Trump.

  2. Is isn’t only New Mexico’s problem when these invaders march through New Mexico and on to the other states in America. Thanks for being thoughtless with you neighbors…

  3. I concur with everyone here, the Gov. is not paying the price. The only way she will face the consequences of her actions is if the citizens of NM recall her. Then they must never, ever vote D again. Unless they do those two things, they deserve what they get.

    However, they should NOT be allowed to send their ‘consequences’ to another state. Keep their illegals and deal with it. Use all your resources, build more facilities or house these illegals in your own homes; just don’t pass them off on anyone else. It’s your problem – deal with it.

    And, President Trump…no more Federal money for New Mexico.

  4. Trump’s “charade of border fear-mongering.”

    Right… we’d rather waste our time fear-mongering about the president, climate change, and access to baby killing centers long before border security.

    Could the left’s playbook be any more evident? Anything that tears America apart is good, anything that hold it together is bad. It’s clear as day.

    I don’t see any way around it other than deporting every single lefty out of the country before we can have a constructive conversation at the adult table. I don’t think it would be very difficult to do, just acknowledge what they are telling us. Tell ’em “you’re too good for America,” while honoring them with a major award one-way ticket.

  5. She probably “Sold” 55 new slaves to a Denver company. What can Illegal Undocumented workers do, complain to the union boss? They are the Democrats new slaves. Somebody is making money on Illegal Immigrants, or it wouldn’t be allowed to happen.

  6. How many Illegal Immigrants does it take to harvest all of “Dole’s” produce every year? I’m sure they receive a sub-standard wage and Dole (and other companies) don’t have to pay their taxes.
    Search “dole food company subsidiaries”

  7. “Then they must never, ever vote D again.”

    That sure as shit is a pipe dream. Ain’t going to happen. NM has been blue for decades with dems running both Houses of Congress and holding the governorship.

    Currently on the federal level, both of New Mexico’s senators and all three representatives are dems. On the state level, all of the state’s seven executive offices are held by dems. dems hold super majorities in both Houses just like in CA so any REgressive crap they want to stuff down throats is gonna happen.

    I’d bet my last donut that this stunt got majority support.

    They were solid blue when CO was solid red.

    To paraphrase the old Roach Motel ad, you can vote your way in but you’re gonna have to shoot your way out and in NM, that’s the truth writ large.

    Too bad, been all over it, another gorgeous place run by REgressives

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