NAACP Suspends Illinois State Conference President Teresa Haley After Calling Illegal Immigrants ‘Rapists, Burglars, and Savages’ During Zoom Call – IOTW Report

NAACP Suspends Illinois State Conference President Teresa Haley After Calling Illegal Immigrants ‘Rapists, Burglars, and Savages’ During Zoom Call


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) announced the suspension of Teresa Haley, the president of its Illinois State Conference, following her incendiary remarks about illegal immigrants during a Zoom call with state leaders last October.

Sharika Soal from The Gateway Pundit provided commentary on this news story in her recent article. Watch it here.

The controversial incident came to light when Teresa Haley made remarks during a virtual meeting in which she referred to illegal immigrants as “savages,” burglars, and rapists.

“Black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares. These immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well. They don’t speak the language, and they look at us like we were crazy, because we were the only people in America who were brought over here against our wills, and we’re slaves,” Haley said. more

23 Comments on NAACP Suspends Illinois State Conference President Teresa Haley After Calling Illegal Immigrants ‘Rapists, Burglars, and Savages’ During Zoom Call

  1. She didn’t lie, though.

    I had a conversation in 1998 or so with an 81 year old black man who spilled all the beans. He was happy to have a white man come to repair his telephone because blacks were worthless, and 5 blacks couldn’t do what one white man could do.

    I was not comfortable with such a conversation. And he knew I was uncomfortable and called me out for being a punk.

    He went on to say how “spics” weren’t just useless, but dangerous, evil, unscrupulous, and ignorant, and furthermore took jobs from American Negroes who were trying very hard to be part of the fabric.

    I think back on that conversation from time to time.

  2. Obviously she doesn’t have interest in an office building in the west loop that’s been converted to housing illegals. Or at least no one told her about kickbacks.

    Colored people on the southside share her sentiment though, she’s just bringing real conversation to the floor. NAACP represents illegals over colored citizens, clearly.

  3. When American blacks finally understand that the Democrat Party has sold them out, there’s going to be a race war between them and all of the illegals flooding into the country. White people should just stand back and watch the carnage. They both have it coming.

  4. The illegal population of military age men will soon dwarf military age blacks. And as a population, they’re as criminal and violent – but less spoiled and hungrier. It’d be interesting to watch the battles if it wasn’t our way of life being destroyed by yet ANOTHER treasonous psycho in the White House.

  5. She was called out for denigrating people who are in our country illegally, but not for her bigotry against people who are not “of color”. The NAACP is no different than White Supremecists and the KKK as far as I can tell. Besides, they value equity over equality under the law.

  6. Is Jeb on the Board? 17 years ago defending the crime wave made by GWB’s “open boarders” said, ” When an illegal rapes a 3 year old ITS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!!!! Send Teresa to Jeb!

  7. They’re not just ‘Rapists, Burglars, and Savages’ , they’re part of the 87,000 new IRS agents.
    Loyal to whoever pays them.

    The IRS has removed the page that states, “IRS hiring agents that must ‘carry gun,’ ‘use deadly force’ during ‘dangerous assignments’”

  8. She also has the will to go back to her Motherland, but she won’t. I’m fact, I’d dare say, she wouldn’t have the strength to swat flies from her face if she grew up and lived in Africa

  9. Irony: An officer of the NAACP calling some other demographic “savages”.

    What terrifies the Ns most about mass immigration of non-whites is that 1) they will no longer be able to employ white guilt to manipulate the Latino, Asian, and Africans who are about to flood into their ‘hoods, and 2) most of these newcomers are as comfortable with employing violence to get what the want as the Ns are and are in much better physical condition.


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