Name One Thing You Trust More Than The Federal Government – IOTW Report

Name One Thing You Trust More Than The Federal Government

63 Comments on Name One Thing You Trust More Than The Federal Government

  1. Putin. He may be a murderous dictator, but he definitely wants to “Make Russia Great Again”, as opposed to our government which seems to want to “Put America in Last Place.”

  2. The guy who rings my doorbell and tells me he’ll repave my driveway really cheap because he has some leftover hot mix in his truck that’ll just solidify if he doesn’t use it right away.

  3. Mexican Drug Cartels
    Chinese Communist Part

    At least they’re honest about their disdain for our country and their intention to destroy it. …whereas both career and elected individuals in the federal government lie about their motivations and goals.

  4. The Nigerian prince who will send me part of his multi-million dollar fortune if only I send him a few thousand to help him recover it. Government is the greatest evil ever created by man.


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