Name Someone Democrats Blame… – IOTW Report

Name Someone Democrats Blame…

When Losing An Election.



h/t Dave

60 Comments on Name Someone Democrats Blame…

  1. I sat in a doctor’s office today leafing through recent issues of TIME. The answer is clear:

    Xenophobic homophobic Islamophobic stupid racist backwoods guntoting conservative crackers from Flyover, USA.

    Them, and Ren Hoek.

  2. Stupid, racist, climate change denying, bible thumping, anti-abortion, deplorable, conservative, nativist,homophobic,islamophobic misogynists. Or,as I like to call them, everyday hard working patriotic Americans.

  3. The Russians.
    Fly over country hayseeds.
    Retards who stick to their guns and bibles.
    Oil riggers.
    The uneducated “blue collar” type.
    Women who love their families. Husbands included.
    The Military war mongers.
    Coal miners.
    Police officers
    That’s enough for me.

  4. The Hildabeast herself.

    Seriously, the fact that millions of people voted for this utterly corrupt, evil, lying, nasty, power-mad, despotic and ignorant twat-waffle is what is disconcerting.

    Democrats would vote for her if she performed a televised child sacrifice in the nude while chanting from the koran. Democrats lack a moral compass and have only one god, themselves.

    Their quest is endless for power and goodies like, murder by abortion, every sexual deviancy on the planet, and theft by the government to use in a guaranteed failed attempt at a socialist utopia.

  5. that stupid Electoral College
    Electoral College Electors that adhered to their oaths … I mean, Really!
    the authors of the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, white men that founded the country
    the Great Unwashed in Flyover Country
    Police acting stupidly
    not buying off Comrade Bernie soon enough
    Tim Kaine’s eyebrows

    the Amish, because they don’t vote … they are pacifists after all … coulda won Pennsyltucky … but NOOOOOOOOOOO

  6. anyone who has ever read kurt vonnegut realizes this whole mess has been caused by those toilet plunger aliens in the sky…..

    either that, or, you know…..people can be REALLY STUPID…..especially in large mobs….

    we definitely dodged a 50 cal this time, but that doesn’t mean they won’t up-armor and get us the next time….fascism/marxism/liberalism is only ever ONE election away…..

    by the way, off topic…’s this guy selling his “my pillow dot com”…..he looks like david axelrod…’s creepy…..makes me wonder what he’s putting in those pillows, that will give us “the best night’s sleep”……i’m not going to sleep on one of his pillows, for fear i will wake up democrat……no thanks!!!

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