Name That PAC! – IOTW Report

Name That PAC!

(Reuters) – Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce on Thursday the formation of a political action committee (PAC), a signal that he is at least considering a possible run for president in 2020, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.  Read the rest here


SNIP: There’s already a name for it but I doubt it was Joe who came up with it.
What do you suppose were the names Joe thought up before his partners decided they had enough of him?


38 Comments on Name That PAC!

  1. some suggestions:
    1;the ratpac
    2;shotgun blast through the door pac
    3;diarrhea mouth dolt pac
    4;another old crooked dumbass white rich guy but it’s ok cause he’s a democrat pac

  2. Joe Biden will be 77 in 2020 so I suspect it could be called OLDPAC. Anyway, I hope he does and soaks up a lot of liberal cash that could go to someone who could win the nomination. I want him to spend and spend and spend those liberal dollars.

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