NAME THAT SHOW! Former Narcissist-in-Chief may get his own TV show – IOTW Report

NAME THAT SHOW! Former Narcissist-in-Chief may get his own TV show

He’s going to get all  resis-ty.

DC: Former President Barack Obama is talking with Netflix about developing programs that could hit back against some of his conservative critics online, according to The New York Times’ Thursday report.

Netflix would pay the former president and first lady Michelle to provide the outlet exclusive content that would be available only on live streaming, the report notes, which relies on sources who are aware of the negotiations. The number of episodes have not yet been discussed, the sources said.

Obama does not intend to directly confront his Republican successor, President Donald Trump, the report notes, but he could use the programs to correct what he believes to be misinformation spread using online platforms. He could also use Netflix to push-back against his conservative critics.  read more

132 Comments on NAME THAT SHOW! Former Narcissist-in-Chief may get his own TV show

  1. What a flop that will be. I couldn’t believe obambi would be very professional about it, either. no show, late, intoxicated….ad-libbing his “lines”… yet netfix stock racing up $10 today to $326 all time high. crazy.

  2. “The Untouchables”. For an entirely different reason then the original show.
    Knowing Obama (and his friends) he’s probably going to get a huge bundle of cash for this, deliver self-serving crap and Trump, who is a master of the TV), will shred him on twitter alone. Netflixx will lose a pile of cash and not get thenew subscribers that they hope for.

  3. His will be the marquee show on the return of Current TV and AirAmerica to the airwaves this fall. He’s in development with a game show idea entitled “Hide the Salami”, co-hosted with Reggie Love.

  4. “it WON´T be used to respond directly to Trump or conservative news outlets.”

    If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
    “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”

    Hand me the phone, I´m calling Bullshit!!

  5. “it WON´T be used to respond directly to Trump or conservative news outlets.”

    Yeah right………….
    If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
    “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”

    Hand me the phone, I´m calling Bullshit!!

  6. Fuck the Netflix. 😉

    My bucket list:
    Fuck Mainstream Media
    Fuck DNC
    Fuck RNC
    Fuck NFL
    Fuck commie Jesuit Pope
    Fuck Netflix
    Fuck anything close to communism, or socializm

    Hm, lot’s of Fucks(ing)

  7. You know Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are thick as thieves with barry and mike. Too bad for England, a once great nation. I suppose they are all in on this together and may even see all four having roles and trying to rewrite history. Blech!

    Thick As Thieves

  8. I know this is a movie title, but it’s so appropriate: THEM!

    And for Maxine Waters: THE MANITOU. I know, type casting, but it’s so perfect, (sorry to the makeup artists of the movie).

  9. 1st Place: My Mother the Honky
    2nd Place: The Lyin King
    3rd Place: “How To Destroy a Country Without Really Trying”

    Too many Honorable Mentions to list…

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