Nancy Pelosi calls pro-lifers ‘dumb’ at Planned Parenthood gala – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi calls pro-lifers ‘dumb’ at Planned Parenthood gala

Draws brutal Twitter response


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award  at the organization’s annual gala, and managed a few choice words for pro-lifers in her acceptance speech.

“When you see how closed their minds are, or oblivious, or whatever it is—dumb—then you know what the fight is about,” Pelosi said Thursday, according to Christian News. “Whatever happens with the court …we must remember these battles will not be the end of the fight.”

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Pelosi took to Twitter to brag about the award.

The Margaret Sanger Award was presented to Pelosi for “her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”

Sanger, reportedly an outspoken eugenicist who promoted racist ideals about who should reproduce, founded Planned Parenthood in 1921. It was then known as the American Birth Control League, but the name was later changed because some felt it was “offensive,” according to Christian News.

“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” Sanger said, according to Life News.

“I accept this honor tonight on behalf of my colleagues, who have fought the fight for and with you,” Pelosi said in her acceptance speech. “The aim of smart public policy in our country is to advocate for opportunity and freedom—the opportunity to lead healthy lives and the freedom of Americans to make their own choices.”

Those familiar with Sanger responded accordingly, tweeting:  MORE


29 Comments on Nancy Pelosi calls pro-lifers ‘dumb’ at Planned Parenthood gala

  1. Sanger’s plan is working perfectly, more black babies are aborted than born in NYC and other major cities… and the bonus is the black leaders of those cities look to her as a god!! For the record, Robert E Lee actually was opposed to slavery, but Maggie, not so much !!! Wow dem libs is stupid!!

  2. All I see is three potted plants. Where the hell is Pelosi?

    By the way, I’m a Catholic and I make it a point to tell my parish priest every time I see him they really need to get Pope Francis in gear and excommunicate Pelosi ASAP.

  3. That picture pretty much nails it – Nancy Pelosi is so fucking STUPID, DUMB, IGNORANT that she doesn’t care that she is being given an “award” created to honor Margaret Sanger, a racist, black-hating fascist Libtard bitch that preached racist eugenic genocide.

    If ever the black people of this nation throw off the chains of lies that the Democrats and self-serving race hustlers have shackled them with, there will be an almighty reckoning. The two biggest anti-black lies are that MLK Jr was a Democrat (nope, lifelong Republican) and that Planned Parenthood is there to help impoverished black people.

    The Democrat Party is damned by God. First they were the party of enslavement, then they were the party of Jim Crow segregation, now they are the party of economic enslavement (Welfare, food stamps, Section 8, public housing, affirmative action, etc.). Indeed, the Democrat Party truly embodies “the soft racism of low expectations”

  4. On the subject of abortion> “Dr.” Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of performing hundreds of abortions in Philadelphia last year. His trial got little or no attention from the Media. Filmmaker
    Phelin McAleer is making a film about Gosnell and needs some financial support, a buck, or two, or five. The story needs to be told.
    Check it out:

    The story is on Fox tonight with Meghan Kelly

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