Nancy Pelosi Ends Nancy Pelosi’s Career – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Ends Nancy Pelosi’s Career

h/t outdoorJohn

23 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Ends Nancy Pelosi’s Career

  1. Well this is just so unfair. Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer is the central character in a YouTube video highlighting her activities. And Nancy Pelosi does not for doing similar activities. [not yet anyway]

    The video uses Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer as an example to explain the meaning of – “to be hoisted on one’s own petard”.

    Because she had issued covid-19 advice to the Scottish people that they should not travel and stay home as much as possible.

    Rules she believed she believed she could ignore because the rules do not apply to herself. Being a big important person. Also believing the rules only apply to others, the little unimportant people.

    The Scots expressed a different opinion about that, after she was caught twice traveling to her second home.

    ONE-MINUTE ENGLISH: hoisted by one’s own petard .

    Surely Nancy Peolsi deserves her own YouTube video explaining the meaning of – “To be hoisted on one’s own petard”? Americans deserve just as much satisfaction as the Scots.

  2. No Nancy the American people have been set-up, you lied, people and businesses died, not from Covid but from the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people. 🤬

    Another quick thought, people who talk with their hands are very annoying.

  3. C’mon man!

    Nancy will still be Speaker 10 years after her rotting carcass is buried.
    Money talks; Shit walks (popular saying in DC).

    Lying and Hypocrisy are valuable attributes among her ilk.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And yet she will be re-elected without question. Could the election system somehow be rigged, Nancy??? Or is it that money buys votes, if given to the right people???

  5. I have a cousin that lives in her district. He is a foaming at the mouth rabid liberal. Spoke to him the day after this went down. I was told that in his opinion that the Queen can do NO wrong. When I pointed out her utter disdain for those that she supposedly represents, he got all huffy & hung up on me. You can’t fix it, it is a disease. Oh well, good riddance to bad rubbish.


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