Nancy Pelosi must have bumped her head – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi must have bumped her head

American Mirror: What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

As the House Minority Leader — and prospective next Speaker of the House if Democrats win the majority in November — addressed reporters today, she contradicted herself, suffered face spasms, repeated words and was seen muttering and trailing off as she attempted to give a bold rebuke of President Trump.

As she was calling for gun control in the wake of the shooting at a Florida high school, Pelosi struggled to recall the sponsors of her favored bill.

She demanded the passage of the “Thompson…King bill.”

“We’ll be continuing to meet on this subject to try to, uh, respond — we shouldn’t be responding, we should be preventing, we should be anticipating and,” she said, before suffering a brain freeze, “and have common sense approaches to prevent gun violence,” she added as the talking points triggered in her mind.

She suffered a face spasm as she said “bipartisan,” and mispronounced “nobody,” being forced to repeat it.

Seconds later, she referred to the USDA as the “Department of Education,” before catching herself and adding “Agriculture.”

Then she muttered to herself and stared off in the distance.

“Hungry families, hungry families,” she said, repeating it softly. “Cuts 200 — $214 billion from food stamps. The president’s going to give them a box of processed food — box of processed food,” she muttered again.  MORE

29 Comments on Nancy Pelosi must have bumped her head

  1. It makes me sad to see someone deteriorating from Alzheimer’s, but in Nancy’s case I’ll make an exception. Her statements are often as comical as Maxine’s but no where near as comical as Sheila Jackson Lee’s. The new three stooges?

  2. Stage 7 syphilis.
    Or stage 8.

    A prerequisite to brain damage is a brain. She’s a typical Multi-Millionaire Limousine Socialist who spouts absolute nonsense to her clapping and barking seals who hope that some few crumbs will fall off her table for them.

    Ah well. It’s a story as old as civilization: Amass a fortune while lying to masses of ignorant fools, promising them some vague Utopia somewhere in the future.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That she continues to make appearances after innumerable embarrassing performances speaks loudly of her atrophied self-awareness. It is perplexing that her party colleagues tolerate her very public rapid deterioration.

    As @moochoman said, seeing anyone else in this condition would be very sad, but not Rancid Nan.

  4. May she remain in office as her condition deteriorates. My she fumble continually over words, phrases and names. May she constantly contradict herself and present inanity daily before the House. May she twitch, tremble, and fretter her gums at all times when in front of cameras.

  5. Why diminish such a very good thing? The fact that United States patriots swear their loyalty to, before cashing the checks signed by, and bravely heading out to kill Americans in the name of, such glorious leaders, proves their greater faith, bravery, and integrity, than any other Party test.

  6. I say keep her in office! Let her keep making a farce out of the Democrats. She isn’t going to step down, she’s on a mission, walking right off the pier. Her friend Boxer knew when to get out, Pelosi won’t. Leave her be, it’s entertaining to watch her make an ass out of herself and the Democrats. Heck, look at McCain with a brain tumor, he isn’t stepping down though he should. I’d love to see Pelosi and McCain hang it up together!

  7. Perhaps her plastic surgeon used formaldehyde instead of botox. Dementia in any one else would be painful to see. AS far as I can tell the Dem’s think she is just fine. Keep her. Keep on talking Bela Pelosi

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