Nancy Pelosi Struggles Through Coronapocalypse With Her Fancy Designer Ice Cream – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Struggles Through Coronapocalypse With Her Fancy Designer Ice Cream

“I don’t know what I would have done if ice cream were not invented.”

19 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Struggles Through Coronapocalypse With Her Fancy Designer Ice Cream

  1. Nice look Nancy! Maybe you can get together with Witless and televise an ice cream social for the unclean masses that you think you rule over. These people truly are clueless.

  2. Lets see….she’s been in California for 10 days. Her Grandkids flew in from New York. When did they arrive? Were they tested before they flew in from New York? I’ve heard that New York is an epicenter of the Chinese virus, some little birdie has told me that for a very long time….Did they all gather round the table and have a big Easter feast?….Bitch!…

  3. “Let them eat…designer ice cream” – formerly known as:

    “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” – Marie Antoinette

    And well…let’s leave it at that…

  4. Tho woman that claimed all those getting $1,000 plus bonuses after Trump cut taxes crumbs.
    People might actually appreciate those crumbs about now. Why do these people get elected ever?!

  5. I hope she has a nice back up generator when her power…gets, clear throat, interrupted…it’s going to be a Roaring Flaming Twenties for sure…of course I would NEVER want that $300 dollars in ice cream melt now would I?

  6. Botox infected communist whore is much more concerned about what her Chinese masters want then taking care of the the American people. Notice she ain’t eating any made in Chine ice cream.

  7. Pelosi is the biggest PoS to ever hold the Office,,,
    Her anti American attitude is pathetic,
    She should take a slow boat to Cuba and be right at home,
    As a poster witch against career politicians,
    I expect to see her burst into flames any day.

  8. Was I the only one who noticed that Nancy forgot her act? Her teeth were not falling out, she didn’t appear to be drinking, she had no trouble getting her words out. Did she have a miraculous recovery or did she forget her act while showing off her pricy ice cream?


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