Nancy Pelosi: There Will Be ‘Collateral Damage’ to Those Who Disagree with Us – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi: There Will Be ‘Collateral Damage’ to Those Who Disagree with Us

Breitbart: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told a gathering at the 92nd Street Y in New York on Sunday that there may have to be “collateral damage” to those Americans who do not agree with the Democratic Party agenda.

Pelosi was being interviewed onstage by Paul Krugman, the left-wing New York Times columnist and Nobel economic laureate who predicted, the day Donald Trump won the presidency, that Trump would trigger “a global recession, with no end in sight.”

In a long, rambling monologue, during which she stumbled on her words and appeared to lose her train of thought, Pelosi said:

We have to have total clarity about what we do, when it comes to everything — a woman’s right to choose, gay marriage … whether it’s about immigration, whether it’s about gun safety, whether it’s about climate … I think that we owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country, and if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it, but it shouldn’t be our original purpose.  more here

31 Comments on Nancy Pelosi: There Will Be ‘Collateral Damage’ to Those Who Disagree with Us

  1. “Collateral damage is the deaths, injuries, or other damage inflicted on an unintended target. In American military terminology, it is used for the incidental killing or wounding of non-combatants or damage to non-combatant property during an attack on a legitimate military target.”

    Huh. Well, that seems pretty clear.

  2. THEY must use the same variety of qualitative methods, including historical, ethnographic, and textual analysis, to illuminate the histories of racial formations and racisms, and the role of popular cultural forms and ideas in the ongoing production of embodied difference social milieus.

  3. Remember what Varjar said when taking the Whitehouse?

    Not leadership, goals or improving the Economy…

    “It’s payback Time”

    These cretins have bad plans for the average American.

  4. It’s painful to listen to the D’s. First off none of them know what the hell they’re even talking about and, second, they’re basically unintelligible trying to explain the stuff they don’t believe themselves.

    You try and try to unpack what they’re saying and you end up with an empty suitcase.

  5. Bcattlin. I may be wrong but I don’t believe in attacking people in a restaurant, a gasoline station or a public park, that’s demorat shit. But it may come to that. Not being civil is a Killary stunt, and a Lame Brain Waters stunt. We should avoid that and treat people civilly. As I say, I may be wrong.

  6. Booed out of a restaurant, boozed out of a bar. Everyday thing for those who deny the existence of God and his commandments. Hey, isn’t Pelosi sposta be a Catholic? how come she doesn’t know this?

  7. Uncle Al and it’s not even Dec. 7th. I hate the left, if they try and intimidate me I may just walk away even though I want to beat the shit out of them. I’m fasting the weekend before the election, on Saturday I’m not eating and Sunday-Tuesday I’m shutting my computer and TV and radio down till after the election. I’m believing that they’re in for a major league ass whooping on Election day and even more so than 2 years ago. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m praying fervently that God’s will be done and that we, the American people will be delivered from any mayhem and evil they may have in mind. I’d love to see President Trump and Franklin Graham call for a national day of prayer and fasting just prior to the election. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain, the democraps don’t have diddly squat except fear and intimidation and we’re far more pissed off as a silent majority than they are.

  8. Yeah … like the Jews were “collateral damage” in the Second World War.
    And the Ukrainians were “collateral damage” in Stalin’s collectivization.
    And the 80,000,000 dead Chinks were “collateral damage” in Mao’s Great Leap Forward.
    And the million Boat People after the fall of Saigon were “collateral damage.”
    And the millions of dead Cambodians were “collateral damage” after Pol Pot’s ascension to power.

    Bloodthirsty lot, these Utopians bringing the perfect society …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I hope that somewhere, someone is having a sober and competent conversation about organizing armed militias to deal with the growing threat of Antifa. Sooner or later, some of those psychos are gonna need to be put down for the big sleep. And we know that no urban police force will do it because they’re all run by democrat lesbians now.


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