Nancy says what? – IOTW Report

Nancy says what?

24 Comments on Nancy says what?

  1. No, it is not sad to see this over-the-hill, Democrat Communist placeholder flub her script. She could have retired in wealth to be catered to in her SF mansion. Pelosi does her evil so well that she is likely not allowed to quit in comfort. I once knew an elderly, lovely lady who began passing way while in church. From there the angels likely took her to heaven. Should this happen to Pelosi while she sits in the House, I am sure she would be escorted elsewhere, and not by angels.

  2. Like I’ve said here many times, this fight over the wall isn’t about the wall. It’s about DJT destroying the hierarchy of the Democratic party. I’m reading reports that a lot of freshman Democrats from states Trump one were shocked at this display and ready to jump ship. At the end of the extension, Trump wins either way.

  3. Another mile or two to Frisco
    Two hundred gallons from LA
    The engines thumping like a disco
    Their gonna dump Pelosi in the Bay
    Look out over here
    Watch out over there
    Can’t afford a blowout
    Cause they haven’t got a spare

  4. Yet she somehow still maintains enough political savvy/power to outmaneuver Trump on the government shutdown over the border wall issue. For now, at least.

    Like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, she just keeps going and refuses to die.


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