Nanny Deep State: Bob Corker Reveals Establishment Effort to Tame Donald Trump’s Agenda – IOTW Report

Nanny Deep State: Bob Corker Reveals Establishment Effort to Tame Donald Trump’s Agenda

Thanks for the info, Cap’n Obvious…When are you leaving?


Breitbart: Veteran Republican establishment figure Senator Bob Corker confirmed to the New York Times that the Republican establishment is focused on corralling President Donald Trump and his agenda.

In an interview with reporter Jonathan Martin, Corker said that most Republican senators realized that Trump was a threat to the general world order.

“[They] understand the volatility that we’re dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes by people around him to keep him in the middle of the road,” he said.

After the mild-mannered Senator came unglued on Twitter on Monday, he told the New York Times he was trying to send a message to “the good guys” — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly.  more here

17 Comments on Nanny Deep State: Bob Corker Reveals Establishment Effort to Tame Donald Trump’s Agenda

  1. Corker already sent a message to the Iranians and the Russians that Omohamid didn’t need the consent of the Senate to approve the nuclear deal that threatens what’s left of the Free World.

  2. Corker’s opinion of himself and his ability is higher than anyone else.

    Corker is still pissed he wasn’t selected for Sec. of State by Trump.
    Trump saw right through him and Corker is just confirming Trump’s decision was right.

    Corker will be around whining and taking cheap shots until January.
    Yeah, he’s sore, but he’s a loser. A sore loser.

  3. Treason. And a generous retirement to boot.

    Corksucker greased the skids for the Iran deal. And Trump is the danger?

    Leave right now you traitorous d’bag.

    May the rest of your life be as miserable as it deserves to be.

  4. This President is a man without a party — both the D’s and the R’s are after him. They can all go fuck themselves, with a broomstick, sideways.

    I stand with Trump, and not with the professional political whores and traitors.

  5. Hey Tennessee. Would you start taking politics seriously please? You gave us Algore and Corker. Y’all need to start taking this shit seriously.

    I know. I live in Virginia and we’re stupid too. Cmon cousins. Maybe one of us can get it right.

  6. The only greater embarrassment to my home state is my other Senator, Alexander. Don’t be surprised if he leaves early so our equally crappy RINO governor can install the Party’s favorite toady, like Beth Harwell.

  7. …Corker said that most Republican senators realized that Trump was a threat to the general world order.

    ITYM they realized that Trump is a threat to generally corrupt govt+cronies bidniss as usual. IOW, the swamp and its creatures.

  8. Corker and the GOP have it all wrong. President Trump isn’t the one they should fear.

    The thing they should fear is much larger and much more injured by their lies and leftist collusion. It’s American voters, who voted for President Trump. Hang on you idiots of congress, since you just don’t get the warning signs, the American voter tsunami is going to wash the DC swamp out to sea. Corker saw the writing on the wall. Bye, bye slack-ass corker. Suck on a big cork and shut up.

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