Nantucket Considers Suing Vineyard Wind as More Turbine Debris Washes Up on Its Shores – IOTW Report

Nantucket Considers Suing Vineyard Wind as More Turbine Debris Washes Up on Its Shores

The beaches were being cluttered with sharp fiberglass shards, which is a sub-optimum condition to have at the height of the summer tourist season.

11 Comments on Nantucket Considers Suing Vineyard Wind as More Turbine Debris Washes Up on Its Shores

  1. I’ll be surprised if the Nantucketers’ suit is allowed to go forward, but I hope it does and I wish them luck. It would be good to see one of these wind pirates get reamed.

  2. Liberals: Wind mills and choo-choo trains. And solar panels on their roof as long as someone is subsidizing it.

    If a Liberal is reading this, go get psychiatric help immediately! Ah, shoot. All the psychiatrists are Liberals, too! Okay, just go put your head in a toilet and flush it.

  3. It’s terrible to see what this ‘green energy’ is doing to pollute our country and to our taxes subsidizing this garbage.
    Don’t feel too sorry for Nantucket because those liberals asked for it.

  4. The ones who need to be sued are the politicians who allowed this travesty to go forward. But as usual, as everything turns to crap, the ones truly responsible go unpunished.


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