Naomi Wolf Forgives – IOTW Report

Naomi Wolf Forgives

Naomi Wolf:

I live in a picture-perfect region — the Hudson Valley, memorialized by painters and poets; a patchwork of autumn reds and yellows, majestic hillsides, storied waterfalls, and little homesteads dotted picturesquely on the slopes of sleepy hamlets.

Towns in our area look like Norman Rockwell paintings: there is Main Street, Millerton, with its white 19th century church steeple, its famous Irving Farm cafe with the excellent curated coffee beans, its charming antiques mall, its popular pizzeria.

When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; everything that Woody Guthrie songs memorialize, everything of which American soldiers dreamt when they were far away — everything decent and pure, is to be found in Hudson Valley towns.

It sure looks that way, anyway.

But these days, I am obliged to maintain a fervent inner monologue, just so I can pleasantly go about my business in the local hardware store, in the local florist, in the post office.

Because an emotional massacre has taken place in these little towns. And now we are expected to act as if — this never happened at all.

But psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars.

So my quiet internal mantra, is: I forgive you.

I forgive you, Millerton movie theatre. Your owner, who was interviewed just before the pandemic, saying lovely things in a local paper about how the revamped theatre would enhance the local community, posted a sign in 2021 saying that only vaccinated people could enter. You needed to really look for the fine print to see that you could walk through those doors, if unvaccinated, but only with a PCR test.

I forgive the young ladies who worked behind the popcorn counter, for telling me that I could not enter further. That I could not sit down, with other human beings in my community, to watch a film alongside of them.

I forgive the young ticket taker for telling me that I had to go back outside, onto the sidewalk. I could not even stand in the lobby.

I forgive these young people who just wanted jobs, and who had to discriminate in the most heinous and scarring way — scarring to me, and to them too no doubt — just to keep their jobs. I forgive them. I forgive them for the mortifying scene they had to cause.

I forgive the movie theatre owner for shouting at me defensively when I questioned this policy. more here

30 Comments on Naomi Wolf Forgives

  1. Forgiveness is pointless if the person you forgive does not seek it, does not repent, and does not atone.

    Even the Lord does not grant forgivenss to those who do not ask it of Him.

    I believe another thread termed it “Toxic Forgiveness”.

    If evil gets blanket amnesty for doing evil, it has no reason to not do it again.

  2. I read articles like this from Naomi Wolf and other “awakened” liberals like Glen Greenwald, and I wonder, “how can you still support the totalitarian democrat party. You people are intelligent and surely you realize that democrats want to destroy America and implement a totalitarian globalist regime. Take the red pill for God’s sake.

  3. “I don’t hear it. I don’t hear any apologies.”

    You won’t either. These rotten sonsabitches need to be hoisted on their own petard and that means REPARATIONS for real injuries that we have enough victims to go around on and all of them suffered first hand at the hands of each and every one who so much as made a peep defending the monsters who they were getting their control freak on by living vicariously through their actions. Every last one of them OWES each and every one of us REPARATIONS for the real and sustentative damages we have suffered at their hands. But, but, but’s aren’t going to cut it. Pay the fuck up.

    Then, and only then, we can talk about forgiveness, not before.

  4. Not possible without an apology/atonement. Why do people not understand that?

    SNS says it best “If evil gets blanket amnesty for doing evil, it has no reason to not do it again.”

  5. Their arrogance will preclude any rational obligation to forgive them a Goddamn thing. That will prevent contrition on their parts. That is as sure as the sun coming up in the east. They don’t have a contrite bone in their bodies, I am so confident of that that it isn’t even open to question.

    The best they can EVER do is “apologize on behalf” of some group they wish to slandar and project their own sins onto.

  6. As others have alluded to, doesn’t forgiveness first require repentance? I don’t hear any. All I hear is, “Sure I f**ked up, killed people, and ruined lives. But that’s in the past. We need to put it behind us.

    As far as houses of worship, Father Damien is turning in his grave.

  7. Before I read any other comments:

    I DO NOT forgive!

    You forgive someone who acknowledges that they were wrong and have genuine remorse. An Epiphany it you will.

    These people are not sorry.
    They are afraid of Retribution & “Blowback”

    I will NEVER FORGET the early days of the Scamdemic, when so many people phoned Toronto Talk Shows & blamed the Construction Workers for NOT staying home and saving the USELESS Masks for the Medical Community.

    We were closing unfinished buildings so people could have a home, electrifying & maintaining the food factories, Heating & Cooling the interiors so that delicate systems & water flowed.

    I DO NOT FORGIVE those who criticized me GOING TO WORK!

    I have on a roof changing air filters for the weak little critics & victims of their own minds.

    And In the Past I Have never trusted Wolfe. I knew that she was just trying to appeal to as many suckers as possible $$$!


  8. I have not come to terms with any kind of forgiveness for the people that have done this to us yet, people are still dying and it’s just getting started.
    I believe forgiveness is not so much about them, it’s mostly about what you do in your own heart in order to not live in bitterness.
    How else can you forgive somebody that’s dead? It’s about yourself and what you do with it. Bitterness no matter how well deserved, the long term thoughts are unhealthy for yourself.
    I’m mad they killed our family and friends. I’m not near ready to let it go yet. They pushed all of us to take shots that most trusted to be helping to fight it so people could live. It was all a lie. And if you told them so they would tell you about the people that died in their circle with much anger maybe blaming you because you didn’t follow the government instructions.
    Most died at the hands of hospitals and doctors that followed a strict protocol that around 90% of the time didn’t work in order that they may be paid big bucks for each step they would do as your love ones slipped away. Meanwhile going after anybody trying to actually stop it with mostly inexpensive natural remedies or proven simple cheap pharmaceuticals.
    Thanks to Dr Anthony fauci, Bill Gates and China among others, this man-made bio weapon was made for the deadly shots not the other way around.
    I hated the masks to this day. The doctors, dentists and veterinarians still require you to wear them when you’re in their office, the people that should definitely know better are forced into it with the absurdity of our government decrees they have little choice if they are to stay in business.
    A paper or cloth face mask does not stop a virus it does not even stop a bacteria which is much much larger.
    A virus is 50 times smaller than the width of a human hair or around .0004 .
    A virus can be so easy to transmit because everything you touch can transmit it to you. Unless you live in a bubble you’re probably getting it, full stop.
    Amnesty and forgiveness don’t come into the picture while you’re still doing it and may be never for some. Buckle up, this is just the beginning.

  9. Forgive? Forget?
    Oh, HELL to the no!
    I don’t know Ms Wolfe’s politics, but this message rings through loud and clear.
    Pull all your business from the town.
    Find a distant on-line bank. Close and transfer your local bank account. And let them know why when you do.
    Is there a nearby town? Do as much shopping there as needed. And on-line shopping as well.
    If someone stops you in the street to say “hi, how ya doin’?”, reply, “WHAT DO YOU CARE? YOU DIDN’T CARE LAST YEAR. YOU DIDN’T CARE TWO YEARS AGO. WHY ARE YOU ASKING NOW?”
    If you DO to go into a local store, stand at the entrance, and in a loud voice, ask, “IS IT OK FOR ME TO COME IN? I’M NOT JABBED. I’M NOT WEARING A MASK. IS IT STORE POLICY OK FOR ME TO COME IN?”
    Embarrass the FUCK out of these people. Publicy. Make them cry. Lather, rinse, repeat. Often.

  10. How is ignorance a defence for imposing their theories on us? They are admitting it wasn’t fact, just theories. While they ridiculed our ‘conspiratory theories.’

    You do what you want, no problem; you try to force me to do what you hysterically want, I got a problem.

    So: NO. And, BTW: no feckin’ way. No mea culpa? Then no forgiveness and never forgetting.

    Big government, big biz, big pharma, and a big feckin’ lot of my ejit neighbors and fellow citizens cost my sister her job, my brother his life, convinced my mother and nephew to get the jab, and stole all confidence hubby and I had in our doctors.

    Naomi is nicer than I am. But nice to know she has a long memory.

  11. The thing that still eludes me is how many ignorant people didn’t, and still don’t, recognize that “covid” was nothing but Global Warming/Climate Change on a compressed timeline.

    Jesus H Christ, I recognized something big was in the works and coming from the dirty motherfuckers when they deliberately and systematically were closing public comments in most every local paper in Nov 2019 – Jan 2020, and posted such right here. Then when it came, I ignored what they were saying and just went about my business as usual. Went to work, put my kids in the truck in May and headed for Free Idaho and went to Silverwood then on to Montana so they could live like human beings for a couple weeks.

    What the fuck, Homer? It has been clear as day what was going down.

  12. The people who self-identify as “you”, so they can call themselves “us”, demand you continue to kneel before those they call “them” (to you). And insist it is your fault, that you force them to stab “us” in the back. By refusing to worship “them”, hard enough.

    “The ally of my enemy, is my bestie!”

  13. e. All of the above.

    (Wolf’s article on forgiveness is shot through with personal references about her mental health that make her sound — and are intentionally so — as though she should have been specially exempt from covid rules, in a way that the rest of us were not. For example, she cites PTSD as a reason for not wearing a mask, when no excuse is needed. Somehow she seems to be buying into the “masks work”, just not for her. It’s a strange, passive/agressive sort of “forgiveness” she’s writing about. It’s just a very odd piece of writing.)

  14. “People will put themselves into the hands of a serial killer rather than be offensive.”

    Which is why we sheepishly submitted to insanity rather than telling the Fauxis of the World to Eat Shit, Fuck Off, and Die.

    No mask you can breathe through will stop a virus; and that was as true in 2019 as it is today – and EVERY MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL on Earth was aware of that simple fact.

    Too orchestrated.

    The conclusion is too horrible for most sheeple to contemplate, so the bleating for “forgiveness” drowns the data links.

    Forgiveness follows punishment.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. I know in my state General Mills and her admin and the majority of the Legislature are the ones who behaved like evil tyrants. They weaponized state agencies and law enforcement against business owners and citizens. They only allowed big box stores, liquor stores and pot shops to remain open.
    The local propaganda outlets intentionally scared people into compliance.
    They need to be held accountable. They need to pay consequences for their actions.
    The medical business needs to pay up for the damage done by their greed.
    The Karens need to ask forgiveness.

    What the curbing of our God given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights showed was the true desire of so many to be all powerful over the people who elected them and it showed the real cravings of unelected bureaucrats for absolute power.

    I can forgive people who were taken in by it all.
    The rest I will forgive in that I will not allow them to live in my head.

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  17. Tim – FJB November 7, 2022 at 5:53 am: “People will put themselves into the hands of a serial killer rather than be offensive.”

    And people want to kill me because I am offensive. People mistaken my offensiveness as a way I protect myself. So far, it has worked for me. You can be my friend or foe. Tell me to do something against my will and you become my foe. Very simple.

  18. I have learned that forgiveness is required for my peace of mind. It has nothing to do with the other person; I am just giving up my pain in order to give it to God. If retribution is necessary, he will do it.

    When it comes to this world wide plan to destroy, maim and kill, I find it harder to forgive. But I must. God says so. But he doesn’t say it’s for the other’s benefit, but for mine.

    I will forgive but never forget (no, the Bible does NOT say you must forget in order to forgive). You will never be able to administer your destruction again without my voice crying for JUSTICE. And you WILL receive Justice. Like you can never imagine. You will receive Justice. And it will last forever while I won’t even give you one more thought as I’m not where you are.

    You are in God’s hands now and he will seek vengeance.

  19. You all know the tune. Sing int with me…
    “Who’s afraid of Naomi Wolf, Naomi Wolf, Naomi Wolf?
    Who’s afraid of Naomi Wolf, Naomi Wolf, Naomi Wolf?

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