NAS study raises concern over offshore wind harming endangered whales – IOTW Report

NAS study raises concern over offshore wind harming endangered whales



David Wojick

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released a lengthy report on what is known as the “dead ocean” threat with a focus on the Nantucket region, specifically what are called the Nantucket shoals. This is a major feeding ground of the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. It is really a good case study for all major offshore wind installations.

The report uncovers something strange but true. The physics is technical, but the basic idea is simple. Wind turbines take a lot of the energy out of the air, creating a lower energy wake behind the wind turbine facility. Lower energy wind causes lower energy waves so there is much less mixing in the ocean surface layer. This depletes the oxygen level in the water, which can reduce the amount of living food sources that whales eat, which can harm the whales on a population level. This is why it is called the dead ocean effect.

The primary threat arises because the world’s biggest animals feed on the world’s smallest animals. Fifteen-ton Right Whales feed on what is called zooplankton, which are microscopic animals of various sorts. That these huge marine mammals can filter out and live on tons of almost invisible animals is a natural miracle in itself. more here

8 Comments on NAS study raises concern over offshore wind harming endangered whales

  1. DUH
    People who work on the water and scientists who aren’t bought and paid for have been shouting this warning for a number of years now.
    By the way, Maine held an auction for the rights to develop offshore wind farms of the coast and no one, yes, NO ONE submitted a bid.

  2. And millions of dead birds from the onshore eyesores too. They don’t care how many humans are going to die without electricity. They sure as hell don’t care about the whales.


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