NASA captures sounds of Martian wind – IOTW Report

NASA captures sounds of Martian wind

When you’re finished with the fart jokes, the story is right over here. 😉

25 Comments on NASA captures sounds of Martian wind

  1. Space exploration is a TOTAL waste of time and squandering of resources. Human consciousness has no limits including traveling through time and space via the MIND. There will come a time when we reach a new conscious paradigm and this current paradigm of technology and “science” will be thought of as totally antiquated. Mind evolution does not develop on a singular timeline. It can explode at any second.

  2. From the article:

    *The noise is of the wind blowing against InSight’s solar panels and the resulting vibration of the entire spacecraft.*

    I remember a while back when the house across from me was vacant. When the wind blew, there was a sound that was unworldly and seemed alien. Banging and squeaking.

    I called NASA to see if I could get half a million to study this unheard of acoustic anomoly. All I heard from them was a ‘click’.

    Not to be dissuaded, and feeling I neededed to help mankind…i investigated by myself.

    So, with a margarita, cigarette, and a lawn chair I investigated. By the 3rd margarita I had discovered what I was seeking. The wind was blowing an unlatched gate creating the unworldly sound.

    I wrote down my findings and sent them to NASA. The Muslims would be overwhelmed, I thought. But there was a letter with my return documentation that said…do Not contact us, again.

    I knew I shoulda asked for a million….go big or go home, they say.

  3. There isn’t a link or an audio recording anywhere… the Harold made it sound like they were gonna offer a sound bite but instead they gave us nada. :/



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