NASA confirms $118 million Odysseus lunar aircraft has tipped over onto its side – IOTW Report

NASA confirms $118 million Odysseus lunar aircraft has tipped over onto its side


NASA has confirmed that the first private owned spacecraft to land on the moon has ‘tipped over on its side’ – but is ‘alive and well.’

Intuitive Machines had previously received data that its $118 million Odysseus was standing with its six feet on the ground, but updates reveled the lander is laying on the lunar landscape.

The company noted one of the legs became caught, causing it to fall onto its side – just one day after a white-knuckle touchdown that was confirmed as a soft landing. more

26 Comments on NASA confirms $118 million Odysseus lunar aircraft has tipped over onto its side

  1. The EagleCAm is a mystery.
    I understand no GPS on the Moon
    But come on, It was just honing.
    Why could it not Hone during the Landing?
    I mean, it is RECORDING to a Memory Stick, right?
    It didn’t have to do live data transmission.
    And the specs did call for it to film the landing, right?
    Will they take questions?

  2. Super computers and smartphones have ruined our brains! (forgot democrats) My dipshit helper in his 30’s can’t find his way home or go get lunch without gps, and it usually takes him the long way. In 1972 we successfully put men on the moon and got them back with smart engineers using slide rules and graphing stuff. The early space shuttles had less technological ability than the first iPhone. I’m not optimistic about the new crowd.

  3. But everything went perfectly in 1969…right? LOL. I have a bridge and some fine Florida real estate for you too if you honestly believe any of their non-stop lies. Thanks Stanley Kubrick. We all enjoyed the films.

  4. Remember when we were sending all sorts of snazzy shit to Mars? What happened there? Did they find something inconvenient?

    I just find it strange that we have drones whipping around the skies here, doing amazing things, and we had what seemed like a routine established with Mars, but nobody can seem to get anything working on the moon.

    Maybe it’s like when the Roman Empire collapsed, and all of their amazing technology just disappeared for centuries. Are we headed into a new Dark Age?

  5. . . . Do NOT send, mail or phone money to Ukraine. It’s a trap. Look in the Balloons we sent back. DO NOT USE THEIR PHONES. It’s a Trap. Do NOT send, mail or phone money to Ukraine. It’s a trap. Look in the Balloons we sent back. DO NOT USE THEIR PHONES. It’s a Trap. Do NOT send . . .


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