NASA doles out half a million in taxpayer dollars for far-out alien detection program at Georgetown – IOTW Report

NASA doles out half a million in taxpayer dollars for far-out alien detection program at Georgetown

Just The News: The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s. 

This election week, our award is going to the District of Columbia’s non-voting member of Congress Eleanor Holmes Norton for her role in securing more than half a million taxpayer dollars to ponder new and unconventional alien life detection techniques.

According to a recently released report from Open the Books, in 2019, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) awarded $549,974 to a Georgetown University program — a school with a $1.7 billion endowment — with a focus on new methods for the detection of alien life. 

The half a million dollars of taxpayer money was part of a larger $7 million grant by NASA’s astrobiology program, designed to help “bring together theoreticians and experimentalists as an incubator for new agnostic life detection approaches; create a common training set of biotic and abiotic test substrates; establish likelihoods and thresholds with probabilistic models; and develop a broader formulation of the ladder of life,” according to the grant’s description. more

15 Comments on NASA doles out half a million in taxpayer dollars for far-out alien detection program at Georgetown

  1. Whose pocket is it going into?

    Scumbag harry reid got the US to give 55+ MILLION dollars to reid’s pal in nevada to ‘search for aliens’.

    It’s all bullshit – time for the revolution. Better yet – let’s split the nation, and move on with our lives, and be free of this sick fucking people and their scammer handlers.

  2. I’ve never quite decided what to make of UFO stories. What I have taken as evidence they may actually exist are some statements by astronauts, pilots, and government funding for radio astronomy observatories to do SETI studies.

    Funding studies of deep space to advance knowledge of physics is one thing. A lot of money just to satisfy speculation of possible life on planets hundreds to thousands of light years away seemed more fantasy sci-fi than anything else. And a waste of taxpayer money. Unless the government really has proof of UFO activities and considers them a threat. And for some reason thinks they come from deep space.

    Or maybe the government funding is just the usual wasteful spending. Convince someone in government to vote to spend millions on stupid stuff. Since it’s not money they worked to earn, they spend it freely, and do it all the time for silly projects.

    If UFOs are here. I suspect they come from someplace much closer. Maybe from some advanced life on Mars before it died. Or some advanced civilization on Earth that survived some great catastrophe that wiped out most life on Earth before it started over. The elites took care of themselves in high tech facilities, and the non-elites that survived were few and started over as hunter gather tribes. The earth has been here a long long time. And there are strange large structures found that an ancient primitive society seems incapable of building, but there they are. A mystery.

    But we should let the billionaires use their own money to fund the search for the presence of aliens. Then maybe they wouldn’t have the money to fund rioters, and leftists politicians.

  3. They don’t know how to raise funds online? Have a book sale? Bake sale? Strip?

    If female students have to strip to be able to afford school, I think that department should do the same.

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