Nasa to launch Solar Probe Plus mission to the surface of the SUN to protect Earth from ‘huge solar event’ – IOTW Report

Nasa to launch Solar Probe Plus mission to the surface of the SUN to protect Earth from ‘huge solar event’

SUN: NASA is gearing up to send a robot to the Sun to help prepare for a “huge solar event” that could wreak havoc on Earth.

The Solar Plus Probe will come within four million miles of the sun’s surface, facing heat and radiation like no spacecraft has endured before.

Scientists hope it will unlock the mysteries of the Sun’s corona, the massive hole in the heart of the star.

Experts know that the unstable corona is believed to be cooler than the Sun’s atmosphere, but have no idea why.

And it is a prime spot for producing potentially devastating solar wind, flares and mass “ejections” that can reach Earth’s atmosphere.


27 Comments on Nasa to launch Solar Probe Plus mission to the surface of the SUN to protect Earth from ‘huge solar event’

  1. prime spot for producing potentially devastating solar wind, flares and mass “ejections” that can reach Earth’s atmosphere.

    That’s a lot of words for a progfart so it’s shortened to “(man made) climate change.”

  2. “…the Sun’s corona, the massive hole in the heart of the star”

    What? I thought the Suns’ corona was the outer edge of the Sun visible during a total eclipse. So now sciencytists claim to know what the inside of the Sun holds? I thought it would be More Hotness.

  3. I hope they’re looking long term at this (if the probe lasts so long), since the sun is entering a quiet period right now. No solar flares, no corona ejections, no/low sunspot count. Called the Maunder Minimum, this solar quiet period generally accounts for GLOBAL COOLING.

    Maybe we can burn and melt the fat off of AlGorical to warm the Earth up to normal.

  4. Not to be outdone, The Iranians announced that THEY were going to LAND on the sun. When world scientists exclaimed that they would burn up if they tried, the Iranians answered, “Oh, we got that licked. We’re going to land at night!”

  5. “…the Sun’s corona, the massive hole in the heart of the star”
    That is not even wrong, it’s spherically wrong
    I agree that learning to harden electronics to withstand the sun’s radiation is good for science.
    Other than that, I think we should invest into hardening everyday electronics, like cars, and civic infrastructure electronics, like the power grid.

  6. “Bill Clinton perked right up when they mentioned “mass ejections.”

    yo Irony, so did Barry “Man Country” Obama

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