NASA’s first black astronaut to orbit the moon pulls political race card – IOTW Report

NASA’s first black astronaut to orbit the moon pulls political race card

BPR: Victor Glover will make history as the first black astronaut to orbit the moon, piloting next year’s Artemis II mission, but for some incomprehensible reason, he has decided to make the mission just as much about race by invoking a 1970s poem titled, “Whitey On the Moon.”

In an interview with Axios on Monday, Glover, who is also a US Navy Captain, claimed that the United States is in a similar place as it was when the original Apollo program was launched. The poem is being used to illustrate his point. Many Americans would contend that the claim is untrue and appears to be a woke message condoned by NASA.

“Honestly, I started listening to [the poem] in the car to talk with my colleagues about it,” Glover said during the interview. “I live in the America that sent me to space, told my grandfather he couldn’t fly during the Korean conflict when he was enlisted, but he got to sit and watch me fly. We live in a very complicated country.”

“Whitey on the Moon” was written by jazz musician Gil Scott-Heron in 1970. He gave a performance of the poem on his album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox. In it, Scott-Heron complains about the amount of money being spent on the Apollo program as black Americans struggled with debt, poverty, and high taxes. It boggles the mind that Glover would use a poem to allude to NASA spending too much on the new moon mission while black Americans suffer, considering he is piloting the mission. MORE

36 Comments on NASA’s first black astronaut to orbit the moon pulls political race card

  1. Scott-Heron’s career was pushed by Whitey, who paraded him as the “black Bob Dylan.”
    Scott-Heron couldn’t handle the fame and turned to drugs, dying of AIDS.

    Apparently, Glover just can’t come to grips with being an Astronaut – or maybe having to come to grips with being a “Black” Astronaut – I don’t know.
    But I DO know that American Enlisted men didn’t fly (pilot) during the Korean War. So I’m not sure what the Grandfather deal is about. Probably a convenient gripe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “We live in a very complicated country.”

    Only because your ilk makes it complicated every time you play the race card. Makes me dig my heels in deeper, and look at you like all the other race baiters like yourself. I won’t admire you for your efforts since you feel the way you do about whitey. Lilly white and proud of it. Oh, and it was a white man that gave you an opportunity, and you bit them.

  3. “…told my grandfather he couldn’t fly during the Korean conflict when he was enlisted…”
    I don’t think very many white enlisted flew (piloted aircraft) during the Korean conflict

  4. Affirmative action Navy Captain is now an affirmative action astronaut. Kick him off the mission for racism. “Whitey” is an offensive racial epithet, and I am offended.

  5. Well, I supposed everybody else (who are the Black and White non-whiners, moaners and complainers) will he be better relieved if Whitey can send this particular Coon to the moon as early as June, and gets permanently crashed there, for a song and a little bit of a tune!

  6. Just think if his ancestors didn’t make it to this country, BY FATE (since no one chose to leave the Darkie Continent according to today’s mythology),
    the only moon he would have contact with would be a naked twerking one belonging to a fellow destitute villager.

    Way to make yourself unworthy of the honor to be chosen for the mission, dumbass!

  7. Can’t imagine us raycisses rooting for his next NASA mission to go do in flames,
    but if it were to,
    I can imagine a huge cry of “Meh” audible across the galaxy.

  8. Seriously, fuck American blacks. The most hateful pack of ingrate scumbags on the entire goddamn planet. They wreck everything they touch because most of them are through and through assholes to the core.

    And Gil Scott Heron was just a whiny worthless fuck, like most all of them are now.

  9. Maybe they didn’t have black astronauts back in the 60′ and 70’s because they had Afros and the helmets wouldn’t fit.

    Is he the Bubba Wallace of the Space Program?


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