NASA’s Orion capsule lands in Pacific Ocean after test flight to moon – IOTW Report

NASA’s Orion capsule lands in Pacific Ocean after test flight to moon

JTN: NASA’s Orion space capsule landed Sunday in the Pacific Ocean after traveling 1.4 million miles through space and orbiting the moon during a test flight that is expected to clear the way for a manned lunar flyby mission. 

“Orion has splashed down off the coast of Baja, California. Our spacecraft is home,” NASA tweeted on its page for the mission. 

The space agency posted a video of the capsule parachuting into the ocean. Orion collected data that NASA plans on using to send astronauts to space and eventually to the moon on Artemis missions in the future.  MORE

15 Comments on NASA’s Orion capsule lands in Pacific Ocean after test flight to moon

  1. Around and Around and Around We Go

    Can you add this to your vault?

    Back to Earth

    Capitol B and Small b are not the same in HEXASCII
    This is another factor for you to ponder
    In the cryptic links from yonder
    BitCoins may or may not be made of these long numbered dreams

  2. I think the manned/female-manned flight has been grounded. Haven’t heard squat about it in weeks.

    I think it was all planned to fail, or more accurately, planned to not even get off the ground. There seems to be something that is blocking all earth powers from sending humans to the moon again. Nobody has been there since the early 1970’s. Something very screwy is going on, I think, but I have no idea what.

  3. Now how can ANY one believe we ever went? Look how pitiful this was. 50 + year later! An empty rocket barely orbits the Moon; sending back total shit pictures. Can’t even land properly, drifted off by 100’s of miles.


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