‘Nat Geo’ Photographer Admits Photo Of Polar Bear ‘Dying From Climate Change’ Is False – IOTW Report

‘Nat Geo’ Photographer Admits Photo Of Polar Bear ‘Dying From Climate Change’ Is False

DW: One year later, National Geographic has finally admitted to facilitating “fake news” regarding climate change. The magazine’s most viral video ever, which featured heart-wrenching images of a starving polar bear, perpetuated the narrative that the animal’s imminent death was caused by climate change. However, the climate change aspect of the story is void of any real evidence.

“We had lost control of the narrative,” admitted Cristina Mittermeier, the photographer of the polar bear. Mittermeier explained the climate change deception in a piece titled “Starving-Polar-Bear Photographer Recalls What Went Wrong” for the magazine’s August issue.

Mittermeier conceded that the images of the bony, emaciated polar bear were meant to sound an alarm about climate change, though she complains that people took the image “literally.”

“Photographer Paul Nicklen and I are on a mission to capture images that communicate the urgency of climate change. Documenting its effects on wildlife hasn’t been easy,” she wrote. “With this image, we thought we had found a way to help people imagine what the future of climate change might look like. We were, perhaps, naive. The picture went viral — and people took it literally.”

Perhaps people took the gloom-and-doom climate change narrative “literally” because Nat Geo’s first line of the video was, “This is what climate change looks like.” To boot, the words “climate change” were even emphasized, highlighted in the magazine’s signature yellow.  more here

15 Comments on ‘Nat Geo’ Photographer Admits Photo Of Polar Bear ‘Dying From Climate Change’ Is False

  1. It was poor old naturally dying bear. And instead of bringing it some fresh water and a fish (or maybe sacrificing herself to it. lol) and then leaving it alone, she took pictures and used his image to propagate lies. It’s an insult to the bear and to the people who fell for her bullshit. Shame on nat geo. They should have stuck to photographing fly covered African women with the oblong breasts. That’s the only thing they were good at.

  2. The real secret here is…… THAT WAS ME! crawling back from a party with my buddy’s bearskin rug……..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The crime was the person in the group who had a large bore pistol or rifle as a protection weapon didn’t put that poor animal out of its misery.

    Its a little like watching Barky without a teleprompter.

    Lucky for us the health of the Artic has never been better so these dickweeds need to look long and hard for these cases. Nature is cruel.

    Flies on Kenyans lips and breasts was their sweet spot.

  4. So it wasn’t she who was at fault for making a highly misleading film, but her audience for trusting that she was honest and taking her work “literally”.

  5. It’s ALL BS, has been and will be for many years. I suspect that the only thing the bint photographer really was concerned about was getting found out to be just another lying visual propagandist.

  6. “… climate change. Documenting its effects on wildlife hasn’t been easy,”

    Yes it is difficult to document the effect of something that does not exist. Mankind’s contribution to CO2 is so tiny that it is inconsequential. In other words, if man disappeared from Earth tomorrow by alien abduction, the weather would not change at all. Morons rename the weather as climate change.

  7. I was a long-time subscriber to NatGeo back when they were still a good read. Then every single article had to tie in to climate change. Pompeii eruption? Climate Change. Titanic sinking? Climate Change. Mongol invasion? Climate Change.

    But they would never touch on the climate in the Alps when Otzi laid down and died on a grass meadow 5,000 years ago.

    NatGeo is just another left-wing, socialist-supporting rag not worth the time to read.

  8. Go find a Nat Geo from 50 years ago and compare it to today’s magazines. Aside from the rank leftism, they are written at a third grade reading level. They used to be written for adults. They had to make the fonts bigger to make the childish writing and lack of intellect fit the pages.

  9. Back when libs took over NatGeo and it started to go political (1990’s?), my subscription went bye-bye.
    A real shame.

    The magazine was my first clue that black women weren’t white under their clothes (mid-1950’s).


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