Nation Prepares To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve – IOTW Report

Nation Prepares To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve

The nation is preparing to celebrate what is expected to become a beloved annual holiday: the anniversary of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” to be held in March every year. Happy Two Weeks to Slow the Spread Day!SHOW LESS

16 Comments on Nation Prepares To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve

  1. Went to a crowded Costco today. It was as busy as any other preCovid day. I cart wrangled and attempted to stay in a spot away from people while Mr. Illustr8r grabbed what we needed.

    I observed “international” families with no concern that might be impeding aisle flow as “not as international” people waited patiently for said families to get their sh*t together.

    And, the double maskers come in all shapes and sizes. There are plenty of them in western WA.

  2. It’s time to put this hysteria nonsense to rest.
    It’s not a virus, it’s a flu bug.
    Face diapers are not effective.
    Covid is not the Black Plague.
    Stop granting Corporate Media and politicians control over your lives.
    For God sake, end the virtue signaling.

  3. They destroyed our functioning society to “flatten the curve”, a plausible premise.

    But that was accepted so surprisingly easily that it turned into brazen and blatant redistribution of wealth and brutal destruction of the lives of many Americans.

    They will not end this without a defiant and vigorous backlash. If, and when remain to be seen.

  4. Don’t fear The Kung Fu Flu, the only thing you should fear is the The Lord. If The Lord had wanted us to walk around with a mask 😷 muzzle he would have stapled one to our faces when he designed us.

    The next asinine idea from these nutcases will be a national holiday of we’re all in this together day, I say no way no how.

  5. I live in a small Missouri rural community of 12,000 souls in the middle of bean fields as far as the eye can see (ConAgra is our biggest employer).

    Nary a single soul to be found anywhere in public with a Fauci Face diaper much less two leprechaun lip covers.

    This little salt of the earth town is allergic to liberalism and I love it.

  6. Illustrate, I gave up my Cosco membership because of “International Families” 🙂 who always seem to need to park their trolley sideways across the aisle before they start comparing brand a to brand b. Too crowded and no regard.


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